Google home hub notifications

Doorbell cam… when the camera detects motion (not a button press), Google home makes an announcement that someone is at the door. The Wyze chatbot states that there is a setting in Google home to turn notifications on and off (which is there) and states you can select to ONLY announce a notification when the doorbell is pressed (that option is not there). Am I missing something? Can it be added as an option in the Wyze software notifications?

I think the bot is steering you wrong (which doesn’t surprise me from an “AI” tool). Knowing what model of doorbell you’re using might be helpful (and might be a good tag to add to your post), though I’m not sure that really makes a difference.

I know when Video Doorbell v2 came out the FAQ on the product page pretty clearly indicated that Google Home smart speakers could be used as accessory chimes, but then Wyze had to walk this back and eventually changed that and a relevant Help Center article:

  • Google Home doesn’t support 3rd-party doorbell ring notifications.

There was a lot of back-and-forth in the Forum about this very subject and whether or not a Wyze doorbell button press could trigger a Google Home announcement, but I think a lot of us just gave up on any kind of native integration and went the route of using a Wyze Plug as an intermediate logic switch to trigger a Google Home Routine in order to achieve a similar (if delayed) effect. :man_shrugging: