Google Home/Assistant Integration

Why I can’t be an alpha tester? I saw someone from here that is now a Google home tester and I’m still not…

We didn’t pick people out for beta testing google home. We made a post asking for people interested to fill up a survey where we asked for the their google identifier.
We received over 1000 responses to the survey. We also found out that a few people have typed invalid email addresses like @gmail-com. We fixed the ones we could but for anyone else we couldn’t recover the address and add them to the beta.
There should be a communication from me tomorrow explaining what’s next for google home.


I really appreciate how hard wyze is working to get this moving, I get the apprehension in releasing without audio as undeniably people will complain more than compliment. Maybe it can be released more widley in beta so the people using will know the deal.

I have tested multiple cameras with my Google hubs and Lenovo smart displays. All of them, have had a bad delay with Arlo being the worst (17s), except the nest cameras (2s). The nest cameras may be using “cast” to stay in local network, instead of going through the manufacturer servers. Not sure if this is something that can be added to wyze cams, but it may be something to look in to.


Just got a Google home hub delivered today. Looking forward to the announcement :grin::grin:

Ok, Q1 is over but google intergration is still in testing and not lauched yet.

Any update on this?

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WyzeFrederikWyze Team

I will provide a quick update on the development.

There are still a few unknown but we are tentatively (read, don’t bank on it just yet) targeting a Q1 2019 released.
The biggest hurdle for the moment is the fact that the protocol that we are using for Alexa is not supported by Google. We therefore have to re-package the stream in a new protocol ( <nerd alert>HLS instead of RTSP</nerd alert>).

And yes, March 31st is still Q1. :wink:

@UserCustomerGwen Is there a way to go from Researching to Development? While we are still doing some Researching, we have also some Development work on going.

so the current protocol is RTSP ?!?!?! havent people been asking for that?

does that mean these 2 things on the road map are incompatible?

And March 31st was yesterday… lol

We will provide an update tomorrow. We don’t want to create any confusion by posting something today…


Here are some clarification.
The RTSP that we are implementing as a separate firmware is being outputted by the camera. The RTSP that we are using for Alexa is being created on a server in AWS.
The reason we are not using RTSP in the camera is because we can have multiple connection to the camera to visualize the feed and the camera would not allow that.
The reason we are not using RTSP from Alexa for integration with other servers is: we would break the requirement for a local connection for onsite.

The firmware that we are creating for RTSP should be compatible with the implementation of Google Home since we are not disabling the RTMP output that feeds Alexa and Google Home.


I think the disclaimer “This is not an April fools joke” would suffice… but i guess i can wait one more day…giphy


Facebook LOL
Protip: nobody under 70 uses that anymore
It’s a dead platform
You may as well post it on Myspace

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Actually, there’s quite a bit of activity on the Facebook Wyze group pages. (I also happen to be quite a bit under 70) :wink:


I think we can ask @UserCustomerGwen how much work Facebook is generating! :slight_smile:


I deleted facebook last year.

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I am really excited for this integration to work, but I also know that it is very hard to get your system, hardware, and software to work with another companies protocols. Thank you so much for working really hard on this to please all of us users with features we have had to pay HIGH prices elsewhere to get. You all really are an awesome company, so keep up the good work.


Google Home Update:

During the Q&A video, I mentioned that Google Home Integration would be ready by Q1 with a 99.9% chance. We are at the end of Q1 and the Google Home integration is not ready for production! I could call for 0.01% but that would not be fair. So here is an explanation of what is happening and what we are looking at with a new set of dates.

The initial development was completed at the end of January, just a week before we shot the Q&A video and we had, at the time, identified 3 issues. One was extremely damaging with the stream dying after 20s of streaming. The internal plan was to release the feature by the end of February but we had communicated the end of March to the community. This would give us about a month of contingency in case something went wrong.

The issue described ended up being extremely complicated to troubleshoot and involved four different companies on two different continents with all the difficulties associated with different native languages and time differences. We managed to identify that the audio portion was causing the issue and that removing it would allow us to gain the stability of the stream. The problem is that we used all of our contingencies to reach that point. The problem with the audio is still not fixed and we still don’t fully understand what is causing it. It is still a top priority not only for us but for Google.

So, what does it mean for the release?

We started the beta testing with more than 1,000 users, which is unprecedented and the results are very encouraging. We also initiated the request from Google for the release to production, which should give access to everybody and will not restrict the access to beta testers anymore.

We reached out to the community and asked if the initial release without sound was valuable enough or if we should wait until we have a fix for the sound. The result was unanimously to release without sound first. Here’s a link to that discussion from our Roadmap topic:

(Google Home/Assistant Integration - #338 by WyzeFrederik)

So the initial release will be without sound. Google told us that if no blocking problems arise during the validation that we should have a release within 2 weeks. This means a release around mid-April.


So ready.:clap:t2:

Thanks for the update!

Ouch. That’s my job you’re talking about there! :stuck_out_tongue:

The pages we have are very active. :slight_smile:


Awesome. Thank you Frederick etc for how transparent you folks have been through out this process. It makes it much more easy to put faith(and money) in a company that is upfront!