Google can’t communicate with Wyze plugs

I had my Wyze plugs connected to Google Home and I could turn them off and on by speaking to my google assistant. I can still turn them off/on through my Wyze app, but the google assistant now says “sorry, it looks like Wyze home is unavailable right now”.
How do I fix that, please?

Some folks have had luck by re-authenticating the Wyze skill or whatever Google calls it. I had similar issues recently with Wyze and Alexa and Wyze, Hue and Alexa. Going in and re-authenticating the Wyze and Hue skills cleared up the issues.

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That did it, thank you!

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Glad it worked for you! It has been a go to response for me when things get flaky.

I’ll remember that strategy for my next challenge. Thanks again.

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