Google Assistant Integration for Lock

We’re coming up on 7 months post launch. When will we be able to integrate with assistant?

I haven’t seen any dates given myself. However we’re dealing with Wyze time here which is different then standard time so “coming soon” in Wyze time is different :grin:
The outdoor camera was 2 years and camera and app features that were or are being worked on and coming soon like permissions, etc. are similar timelines or still waiting.

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Sigh, makes me sad. I really like the Wyze lock. Waiting on Ghome integration myself


I am waiting for GH integration as well!


Can we please finally get the Wyze Lock integrated with Google Home? The Lightbulbs already work with Google so why can’t the Lock? I’m sure, like me, a lot of people are going to put buying more products until they know they will all be integrated equally


I’m thinking this may be something that never happens tbh

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I expected it and was disappointed after setting it up. Still a great product. I would like to one day be able to integrate it with my other smart features so if I open the door other lights go on non-wyze for example.

Keep it in mind Wyze. I do think it attracks buyers like myself or keeps them happy and buying after they put it up.

There needs to be a million different threads each with a million votes to get the Wyze Lock integrated with Google Assistant. Wyze said it would happen and we are still waiting. Come on wyze


I am also frustrated by the glacial speed of the Google integration the utter lack of transparency as to what the holdup is. And just to make matters worse, Wyze has launched TEN (That’s TEE EEE ENN, 10) new products, including a vacuum, since the lock. I know the company is trying to grow, and that’s fine. But they seem to have lost their way a bit (a lot).

Wyze as a company has been framed as a small, folksy, down-to-earth enterprise. Consequently Wyze has been given many, many hall passes on the various foibles with the equipment and firmware. Given the recent rapid expansion, I’m not certain they’re deserving of the free ride anymore.

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I feel like I bought the wyze lock under false pretenses. When I bought the lock at first there was some confusion if google integrated with it, later it was determined that google integration would be coming soon. How long is soon? Because I’ve had my lock for a year and still no integration. A year is not soon for integration, especially when it is integrated with Alexa.

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So as a long time Wyze supporter with more than 20 individual Wyze devices… I’m having a hard time finding any desire to support Wyze products moving forward and will no longer sing the praises of wyze too friends and family.

I Feel like I was a little taken on the Wyze lock and keypad. I bought it, when it stated on the product page that it would be integrated with Google Assistant later this year (in 2020). Here we are in June and I’ve removed wyze and had to settle on an August Lock.

So because of Wyze’s failure to deliver, I have this extra “paper weight” from Wyze sitting in the box and money wasted.

@UserCustomerGwen …come on Wyze, it’s time to do the right thing and give me a refund. You can have your lock back, It doesn’t do what you advertised.

Stop sending me emails about how I can throw away my money on your next new product, when you don’t even support the products you’ve already sold me.

Wyze Lock now works with Google Home in the 2.21 app! :clinking_glasses:


I’m going to be blunt, and candid.

Let’s face it, your wyze lock is butt when it comes to automation so far as I’ve seen. The geofence is huge and 9/10 it doesn’t work and I’m stuck searching for my phone as if for keys. Several times it errors out with system busy. The vacuum clears are alright but it’d be nice to just shout it out…the point is is its a relatively easy fix, they’ll probably help you with it and you can improve across the board once you get the swing of it.

Yea, probably have this as a topic already; but, I felt the need to share with whoever reads this. To that person/robot?..put in a word for your boy! Haha have a good one

Hi Joseph, thank you for the feedback! Could you clarify what “vacuum clears” are?

I see now why you guys are taking so long to integrate with Google products if you’re unclear what was meant. Let me screen shot your petty response, little neck beard.

Thank you,

Daniel J, Wright

Yikes! I’ve gotta agree with DJW5, the snark was uncalled for, not to mention unprofessional.

Sorry, I did not realize the name is Daniel. I apologize my last message came across poorly. No snark was intended. I just didn’t fully understand the issue you were describing so I wanted to get more context to better help you. Sorry again for the misunderstanding.

I just purchased the Wyze bolt lock. Great product for the price. A little more difficult to install than instructions lead me to believe. I had to make a slightly larger bore hole as my current dumb lock has a smaller barrel. I like that physical keys that are constantly lost are eliminated by passcodes or finger prints. But here’s my quip. And partly my fault. There are 2 locks sold by Wyze. One integrates with Google home app but requires your old lock and key to still work, the other, the bolt version has all the new parts that operate seamlessly if you are within Bluetooth range, but has no Google home app integration. WHY?.. seriously this is a logical step. Make the bolt lock able to access wifi and Google home. This would then be a perfect product. Heck throw in a camera door bell into the same unit as an all in one and I’ll buy 20.

Thanks so much for your feedback! Lock Bolt does work with Video Doorbell Pro, though it can only remotely unlock. We wanted to test functionality and feedback before adding more features like locking remotely and status checking.

Regarding Lock Bolt Gateway, please feel free to add that to the Forum Wishlist! We had postponed it because of our focus on Cameras, but we can definitely revisit the priority.


How do I use the door bell to remotely unlock my door lock (bolt type). Can you send me the link for this information