Gets worse every update

With every software/firmware update my cameras’ functionality gets worse. Several seconds lapse between when something occurs on camera until the system notifies me. It’s not my WiFi, as I have an unused camera with no system updates and it’s still almost instantaneous communication between my system and the camera.
I have followed up with every suggestion that Wyze has made and there has been no improvement.
Any insight from anyone else?

Welcome to the Forum, @tcmehlhorn! :wave:

I can speak only for my own experience and based on what I’ve observed in posts from other Forum users, but personally I’ve gotten into the habit of postponing app and firmware updates for my Wyze products. I have automatic firmware updates turned off in the app for devices that allow that, and I have automatic updates disabled for the Wyze app in Google Play Store (I’m an Android user; I see you use iOS). I tend to wait until I see positive feedback or at least few or absent negative comments before updating.

For me, it started when I read that users who updated their Video Doorbell v2 firmware earlier this year lost notifications—they reportedly just stopped working. That and other instances of Wyze releasing buggy firmware has made me somewhat wary of immediate updates.

I’ve noted elsewhere on the Forum that while I appreciate new features and people who are willing to beta test those, I value stability and reliability even more. We all make our own choices.

I joined the beta in hopes of getting some workable updates. The latest BETA doesn’t work at all. Nothing functions. the app is 100% broken. At least I have a functional 2.5 app on another device.

Anyone reading this, do yourself a favor and ditch wyze as soon as it’s economically possible.

:rofl: :rofl:

Betas are buggy versions. Things are not going to work 100%. They are for people who want to try new features before they are fully ready. You can’t opt in to beta and then complain that it isn’t fully polished and functional. In some cases, it could be completely non-functional or even brick a device.

I’m running the 3.0 app and the latest firmware on all my cams, everything works great.

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