Game Headsets SimilarToPlantronicsVoyager

I see you guys went into audio with your headsets. Would you please consider creating a bluetooth device similar to the Plantronics Voyager? Plantronics was brought out by Polly and their new 5200 series battery life is terrible.
Thank you for your consideration.

**//Mod Edit: Title Modified to Enhance Search Clarity.

Welcome to the Wyze community @chris_f!
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Now that you’ve released your headphones I feel you could use most of the same audio tech and bring it to the gaming platform. Xbox I understand requires you license their brand but you could start with PC and PlayStation and come out with a single dongle that uses usb-c so it’s compatible on various gaming devices. Also tweak your EQ frequencies to have more punch on the low end. Oh yeah and send me test headsets since I pretty much own every popular gaming headset in the market. Thanks!