Simple question but I cant find the answer. I must not be looking in right place. My pan cams randomly just rotate all the way left and then all the way to the right.
Connectivity problem?
Dropping connectivity wont cause a reset. Dropping power will.
Welcome to the forums! How is the camera powered? Supplied cable and power brick? If other usb cable, how long is the run? Are you daisy chaining anything before the pancam? Are you usig the night vision and ir lights?
@Omgitstony’s covered the main things and @K6CCC is right about power being the probable culprit.
Look at your cable and power block - are you using the cables and transformer that came with the Pan cams? They take a higher amp block than the V2/3.
Also look at your line voltage. If you are having sharp enough fluctuations it could cause a reset.
@toddwlarson I’ll add one more question to all the other great responses.
Is there a sense bridge installed on this Pan? The sense bridge may cause a brief loss in power on the Pan due to the extra power consumption therefore causing it to restart. Moving the bridge to a v2 cam will solve the problem.
How can I tell the difference between the power blocks? I am using what I believe is the original power cord and power block although I may have used a v2 power block.
There is no daisy chain.
Yes to night vision and IR
No Sense Bridge attached.
Power supply is solid.
It’ll say the output on the brick in super miniature font. If you are using a v2 brick that may be 5v1a output, you need to find a 5v2a brick for the pancam.
I had to borrow the neighbors electron microscope to read it but you were right. I had it plugged into a 1 amp power block. I checked all 6 cameras to find one but I will give this a try.