Forum Operations Feedback Thread

Are you accessing the forum from within the Wyze app or directly from within your device’s web browser.

Accessing the forum from within the Wyze app is known to have issues and it is recommended to only access the forum from within your device’s native web browser. We are moving to have the Wyze app pop you out to the web browser for forum viewing.

If you are referring to the Discobot Greetings tutorial message, this would also be solved by visiting the forum directly on your device’s native web browser. Here’s a link:


Got it all sorted now. Thanks for all the help. Your suggestions helped fix me right up


The fix for YouTube clips at a specific start time is now implemented on our site:


Thanks for the reply. Someone told me the same thing about accessing thru the app not working so good. So I went on the browser and everything is fine now. But thanks for the reply anyways.

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For the past 3 Fridays Avast has sounded an alarm and blocked something (see attached image) whenever I click on a link in the forum’ Friday email or, just now when I right clicked on “Feedback Forum” to open it in a new tab. I have no problem viewing anything so I don’t understand what is happening.

I find it interesting (encouraging) that the software allows changing text within a quote. I mean there are legitimate uses:

enhancing selected text, adding bracketed comment, etc.

And it allows a bit of fun on occasion.

Adult. :slight_smile:

@trudymcd Are all of these popping up when clicking on Wyze forum links in Firefox? I also have Avast running and have not seen this at all (although I’m using Safari).

Could you please send this over to (including the Avast image) and see what they say. Let us know here what you find out.

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Thanks, Loki. I’ve sent the info to security.



New feature. To me. :slight_smile:


Yeah, I use it all the time. It’s convenient when it works. Sometimes it still makes me edit the entire comment, but it’s awesome when I can just edit a small piece like that. :slight_smile:


I see what you mean.

I wondered if it might not advance the revision count (at top right) for a minor edit, so… I edited a word, the revision count advanced. I changed the word back, revision count remained the same.

Discourse is the engine that runs our Wyze Forum and is a nominee in the Community and Social category for the 2023 20i FOSS Awards! :partying_face:

For anyone who hasn’t heard of these awards before, here’s the low-down…

The 20i FOSS Awards are here to celebrate the contribution self-hosted Free Open Source Software makes to our lives every day.

From publishing new personal blog posts to managing an entire business, FOSS is the cornerstone for a lot of our daily creativity and productivity.

The quality of this free software also keeps hitting new heights. The 20i FOSS Awards are your chance to recognise all the hard work that goes in to developing the tools we rely on so much.

So, if you think Discourse has played a valuable part in this community (I certainly do), please follow the link and get your vote in. :slight_smile:


20i FOSS Awards

The 20i FOSS Awards are here to celebrate the contribution self-hosted Free Open Source Software makes to our lives every day. The 20i FOSS Awards are your chance to recognise all the hard work that goes in to developing the tools we rely on so much.



Voted :+1:


Voted :+1:


Also. It’s quite good.


I do like Discourse, and love that it is open source and allows so many people to host community places like this. For that it gets a vote.

I will say that the best thing about this forum isn’t the software though… It’s the community, which includes the environment People have fostered. The work the mods do. The way Jason makes sure things are improved, passed on, handled, updated, etc, the employees referring to the wishlist, the guidelines that don’t allow people to make this into Facebook & Twitter… By which I mean attack & abuse each other. The way people share ideas and help each other, or sometimes play in the water-cooler, or share videos, and so much more. The community makes this an awesome place… But the software does it’s part too and makes it possible to do many of those things effectively. I also love the stats. I know mods see more than we do publicly, but the stats and badges we see are still pretty cool IMO.

Got my vote


I love the chronological flat-threading of posts organized in topics/categories vs conversation-threading (like FB and Reddit). Flat-threading (with thread drift/tangent moderation) makes conversations easier to follow, subjects easier to find and better promotes topic “discourse”. Takes some getting used to though.


My favorite part/biggest pro about the forum software is how well the mobile experience is. It’s such a complicated webapp, with so many pro features packed Into it that they had to work very hard to get the mobile experience to be so great. Most forums or even websites are such a poor experience on mobile, but discourse is so well thought out.


3 posts were split to a new topic: Favorite Cookies

Just getting your post about the Edit feature…

The problem I have is that I use the Forum on a mobile device. When I use that edit feature, if I select text too low on the screen, the popup floating edit window appears toward the bottom of my screen. When I click in the window to type, the keyboard pops up (half the screen) and hides the popup edit window. If I scroll the forum up to see what is now behind the keyboard, the forum posts will scroll up, but the popup edit floating box is anchored to the position it was in when it was popped. It never moves up.

If I use that, I have to be sure to highlight the text as close to the top of the screen as possible so that the resulting floating popup text window will be in the top half of the screen where the keyboard won’t obscure it.

@Loki, is this something we can ask Discourse to address?