Floodlight seems to be super sensitive

Hi all. I’ve been pretty confused on some of these settings so maybe that’s part of my problem. That said, the two flood lights we had installed, seem to be super sensitive no matter what settings I use.
Attached are my settings for it.
Something seems to trigger it, and then it stays on. I figured it was the rain, so I turned off detect motion by camera and left PIR on. still triggers, then stays on. I then kept reducing the settings to near at 1%… still the same thing… then turned off two of the quadrants… Feels like no change at all.

Please help! lol… I hate that it stays on… worried the neighbors will eventually start complaining.

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Interesting. I didn’t think the IR lights were even on… I figured they were only on when you could visually see the dim red lights on the front. I turned them off this afternoon so I’ll see how tonight goes.

Something else that is baffling me… So “Motion is detected by camera” is unchecked, as noted in the screenshot, but this clip last night of the floods coming on, seems to show that it’s still on somehow?

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Could you please also show me the event recording setting in the camera itself? And could you please provide me with one device log? Thanks!

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Hopefully I did the log correctly.
log ID# 774427

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Thank you for the log. However it only starts 11/2 morning (previous has been overwritten). Any chance you could check tonight for any similar issues and submit a log right after you saw it. This we can make sure to locate the exact time the issue happens. Thank you so much!

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I could check them for that. Just out of curiosity, have you received the update notice for your V3 camera yet?

Since you have filter by PIR enables, that means it only records when PIR is detected. So it’s not using camera motion, it’s using PIR as intended.

However, there’s nothing in the video that I would think triggers the PIR.

Could you share your PIR sensor settings?

Yes I’ll do that.

Yes the PIR settings should be in the first post.
If I’m looking at this correctly, of the 3 quadrants I have two disabled. One facing the street and one facing the parked cars… yet it still triggers from things in the street?


So no rain last night, but the update seems to have fixed some things to a degree… maybe along with turning off the IR lights. The floods seem to trigger a lot less, but that could be because of no rain.

The update for sure did something because there was a separate issue that the cams were not giving notifications, and now they are. however, I have a deadzone set to block out the street, but cars passing in the street are still triggering recordings.


Are you saying that you would prefer that the two products were engineered totally separately and then bastardized to try to make them work together?

How does that seem to be a good plan?

here is a recorded event. didn’t trigger the floodlights, but it gave me a notification and recorded a clip.

I can only assume, the headlights shined at the perfect angle through the windshield to trigger it.

I did. It feels like it doesn’t actually do anything lol.

I will say about the IR lights though. We had a rainy day/night and the flood light didn’t turn on as much as before. HOWEVER… I turned the IR lights back ON, and there was no change. Not as many false activations. I even turned the PIR sensitivity back too 100% and it didnt seem to activate due to rain anymore.
I’m still going to play around with settings to fine tune it and report back.

Still frustrated about the recorded events and deadzone not seeming to work though.

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soooooooooo a new issue just popped up when testing the flood lights tonight. I now have both floods set to 100% sensitivity and one flood light seems to not turn on and the other one I have to practically stand under it now =( facepalm I’m speechless…

@WyzeDesmond I took a log shortly after walking under the flood light without it coming on. Log ID is screenshotted below along with all my settings you might need to see.

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I guess maybe I need to make a new thread, because my new issue is “off topic.” its no longer super sensitive, but now doesnt seem to be sensitive enough lol. at 100% and not activating.


Having the EXACT SAME PROBLEMS and it seems to have no time or reason.

The night before it seemed to work well but tonight no matter what sensitivity setting EVERYTHING keeps setting it off and then when the light turns on and lights up my driveway, then i get a notice that a package has been detected in driveway!

THIS IS NUTS!.. nothing is consistent

I posted this before because my floodlight would turn on constantly due to heater exhaust. Since I changed the setting it has rarely turned on by false positive. Hope this helps.

Also, as a side note, I have these cheap solar motion lights in a corner of the house and passing cars would always trigger them even though they’re 30+ feet away, at an angle.

So by using these settings, does the floodlight seem to run independent of the camera?

Not sure what you mean by “independent from the camera”, but now my floodlight doesn’t come on every 10 minutes. In fact only once in a while the puff of steam (I suppose) from the heater is strong enough to trigger the light to come on.

That is exactly what I mean :slightly_smiling_face: I will try that.

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