Flood light short cut

Hey #WYZE!
How about a shortcut added to the viewing screen for the Floodlight controls the same as you added a siren shortcut.
I see the one at the top of the screen. But one that we can turn it on/off and and set a day of the week and physical timer on and off.

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I don’t have a flood light option. I have “Turn on add-on spotlight”.
Which to means the add in spotlight for the v3.
Doesn’t work for the flood light.
I just tried that way you explain just to see.

Yes that’s correct green installed

Thank you.

In my rules I have the option for all accessories, even if I don’t have them installed. Can you send a screenshot of that page.

Thank you.

Your not able to scroll down?

Well I’ll be dang!!!
Now I feel stupid!!
Yes I see it now!!
The list was so long I did t think about scrolling for more!

Thank you for your help!!!

Thank you.


Haha, glad you got it!