Fix Wyze Support ZenDesk Inline Forum Preview

Before the move to ZenDesk the Wyze Support site links generated inline previews on the Wyze forum, much as with Amazon and other links.

The ZenDesk forum links do not generate such previews. It would help people if they did.

For example I just posted the Groups link to someone and all that appears is the sketchy sounding URL string:

I noticed this as well. They used to show a preview, then it went away for some reason.

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Yes I’m pretty sure it’s exactly when they migrated the support/help pages from to ZenDesk.


Hmm, Jason just changed this to “launched” but my sample URL above is still not doing a preview?

The zen desk url is not used anymore, links will now look like this:

https://support.wyze. com/hc/en-us/articles/360051118911-Introducing-Wyze-Cam-v3


Okay thanks @IEatBeans . To close the loop I went looking for the new Group URL but web searches for “wyze group and sort products” (without quotes) turned up nothing.

So I navigated to the Wyze support site, which actually seems to kinda suck, and after multiple prove-you-are-human waits totalling well over 30 seconds, and then trying to figure out where they hid the search function (you have to access the hamburger menu and then realize that “How can we help?” Is actually a search box) I finally found this: