Duplicate Skype Notifications on Watch 47
This has been an annoyance for as long as I’ve used the Watch, but the only mention of it I’ve found so far is here:
When I receive a regular SMS message on my phone, the Watch that’s paired to it shows a notification that I can glance at to see the content of the text message. This is the expected and desired behavior.
When I receive a Skype IM on my phone, the Watch shows two notifications in rapid succession:
- a notification with the text content of that message, followed immediately by…
- a second notification with the meaningful information being only the sender’s name.
In experience, it looks something like this:
[Message Sender]
[Message Text]
…immediately followed/overridden by…
1 new conversation
Last message: [Message Sender]
That second notification overtakes the message that I actually want to see. If I want to read the actual message on my Watch, then I have to swipe this second notification away, swipe down to show the notifications, possibly scroll to the notification with the message text in it, and then tap to select that previous notification. This behavior is neither expected nor desired.
I believe this issue is distinct from the duplicate camera notifications issue with the Watch.
I’m fully aware that what I’m reporting and asking to be fixed isn’t where Wyze’s focus is right now, but I do wear this thing almost all the time and interact with it multiple times per day. I’d hate to think that at this point it’s become a piece of abandonware—or abandonwear, as the case may be—and I’d like to see this very useful little gadget get some love, too! I’ll keep my that someone will want to bundle up a bunch of Watch fixes at some point and release a firmware version that doesn’t start with zero (and, yes, I’m fully aware that different developers use different versioning schemes, but something that’s v0.xx.xx still leaves me with a pre-beta feel).