Fix-It-Friday 7/1/2022

Hi, everybody! :grinning:

It’s time for the Fix-It Friday follow-up! Keep in mind that we’ll have a new callout for bugs next week so please keep an eye on your experience in case there’s something impacting you! Let’s check out our current list:

Reddit - Touch target for back buttons on iOS isn’t placed correctly :point_up_2:

This report was actually a feature request! We’ve sent it to the appropriate folks but won’t be reporting on it in Fix-It Friday updates later.

Discord - Wyze Air Purifier goes offline often

1.0.9 is still in beta testing! If you’re a beta tester, please give it a try and let us know how the connectivity treats you.

Let’s Take a Look at Some Previous Submissions

Wyze Air Purifier Insights graph is not updating when expected :chart_with_upwards_trend:

We’re still in the design phase for this. For those less familiar with this entry, here’s what we’re working on:

We have started development for the firmware changes related to the reporting mechanism. Our Design team is working on the new UI. This is a bit tricky because we need two different UI designs so we can support people on the new firmware and those that haven’t updated from the current firmware yet when the time comes. We don’t expect to have the update for this out in July but we’re hoping for August if everything comes together smoothly.

Wyze Cams on Cam Plus are only receiving Wyze AI notifications and not the standard motion-only notifications

If you’ve been running into this, could you please let us know if it’s a current issue for you? We found a bug on the cloud side and resolved it but we don’t want to ignore a possible secondary issue causing similar symptoms. If you are experiencing this, please submit a log in the following way:

Account > Wyze Support > Submit a log. Select your affected device from the dropdown menu so we have a device log. Fill in the description field with a description of what’s going on and the date, time, and time zone for affected Events. Make sure that the send log option is selected and then submit it! When you have the log number, please post it here so we can escalate it for you with your report.

Wyze Video Doorbell is getting stuck on 3/3 instead of displaying the live stream :three:

We don’t have a further update on this one so here’s the update from before:

The beta for this has been postponed. We paused the current public firmware as we look into some issue reports from our reviews. The beta requires that update to be applied first so we want to be careful with how we release this.

Wyze Headphones no longer use auto-pause but the headphones go into Transparency Mode still when laying down :headphones:

We’re waiting to hear back from the manufacturer about this one so we don’t have an update this week. Thanks for your patience!

Audio out of sync on saved videos

No further update on this one. We’ll release it when it’s ready after beta testing!

Cameras appear offline in the app, though they are online and viewable

We saw a report of this in beta so we’re doing some digging. Hopefully we’ll be able to release the firmware to the public soon.

Attempting to view microSD card Playback when viewing an Event from a Wyze notification results in the, “No microSD card installed in camera” error :floppy_disk:

We released the 2.33 app to the public last week! The rest of the improvements for this issue are in there. Please let us know if you continue to run into this problem. If it seems to be resolved, we’ll take this entry off the list for future updates.

And there you have it! See you next week for Fix-It Friday. Have a great week!