There are small round cameras on E bay that are being called Wyze 2, but there is no name on them and Wyze does not have anything like them. I objected and they will give me 30% off or refund when they get it back
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Good catch, I messaged the seller to complain also, that’s false advertizing and using Wyze’s good name for their benefit.
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I too brought this up a while back. I sent one seller a message also advising against their false advertising and their response was “Sorry, I will fix it” and they never did. At least some of the shoppers on eBay will catch it. I hope.
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Oh nice catch, I would go direct to Amazon about this…
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use the report this link in every listing on ebay.
I did.
this is IP (intellectual property) theft, plain and simple.
Violates trademark, copyright & patent rights of Wyze
As they don’t mention Wyze or Wyzecam anywhere outside of the title, it appears to be a case of keyword spamming, but that is still against ebay’s rules for listings.