Good evening
Anyone having issues with false alarm from the motion sensors?
We had three in the last 45 minutes with Moonlight calling us each times.
We even deleted the problematic sensor from the app after the second time yet the alarm turn on a third time.
Everything was all clear and all closed in the app, simultaneously.
Any ideas?
Thank you
So, it was the same sensor 3 times? Twice while active on the account and once even after the sensor was deleted, it said the same sensor triggered the alarm even though it wasn’t on the account?
Contact Wyze support ASAP in the morning when they open. Someone should definitely look into that.
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Also, when you get ahold of support, let us know how it goes and post your support ticket number in here just in case we need to pass it on to someone for a deeper dive into your issue.
Yes! That’s exactly what happened.
We’ll keep you posted.
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Wow, that’s crazy. I can’t imagine how that is even happening after it was deleted from the app. Definitely a glitch somewhere that needs to be looked at ASAP. Thanks for reporting it. I look forward to your updates.
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We submitted and never got any update…
We put new battery and reinstalled the sensor but were still running in the same issues so just removed it once and for all.
Thanks for your help!
Im having the same issue. Really pissed off and sad about it. Have had wyze since they were wyze cam and i have almost every product they make. Its going to suck for them if they dont help me resolve my issue with my sensors and home monitoring hub i will be trashing all my wyze products and blasting them on every soical media platform i have. They have great products but very [Mod edit] customer service.
MOD NOTE: Post edited to conform to the Community Guidelines.
Had the same issue with one of my door sensors and the other sensors were not updating. What fixed my problem was I went to the Wyze hub and held down the reset button for around 12 seconds until the 3 lights started to flash and then let go of reset button. Gave it a couple of minutes and all sensors started working again. It will not delete any of your devices from your account. Hope this helps you!
So before resetting anything or removing anything from the app (including the sense hub), just press the button on the hub once and go into the app and add a sense hub as if you were adding another one. You may find that like me it doesn’t add anything new, it just reconnects what is already there. This is probably the only thing that support did not have me try doing.
Yes sir, I’ve had to do that 2 or 3 times in the last year. I actually thought it was bad batteries in the door sensor so I replaced them and it still would not connect. That’s when I pushed the reset button on the back of the hub for around 12 seconds until the lights started flashing and I let go as soon as they started flashing. The door sensor added back to my account the 1st time I tried it. I did have to add it back to my group of door sensors but I did not have to re add anything else and all devices worked perfectly. Hope this helps!