EveryOne Move 2

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Conspiracy! What are they up to!

(A group of squirrels could never keep a secret this big, the truth would eventually out… :wink: )

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Musical chairs!..er…logs.

Up to 6 furballs now.

I wonder if people who feed the squirrels have less squirrel-induced vandalism.


Absolutely. All the squirrels that I feed leave my stuff alone, however, they do dig up and eat the neighbor’s flower bulbs.

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I have a backyard full of Red Squirrels that use my fence for a squirrel freeway but sometimes they come in the front yard and hide their 'treasures" in my wife’s potted plants of green onions and chives. They were nice one time and they planted me a new Almond Tree. I’m going to put a toll booth on the fence and charge them for the water the drink out off the possum/ :raccoon: :black_cat: :skunk: water container.

You forgot the:

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I haven’'t seen any of those evil creature since last spring. I have the Gray Hunter Cat on speed dial just in case any show up in the spring again. MFP is of no help at all.

Just having cats around will keep the rats/mice away. They don’t like their scent :wink:

Unfortunately, their scent keeps me away, too. Once I got away from cats, allergies kicked in.

Having a cat adopt me seems to have largely cured mine.

Eons ago I was at a friend’s house for a party. A kitten strolled in and jumped on my lap. I started petting it and the purring was so intense that I put the kitten up to a friend’s ear so she could hear. She started freaking out and told me she was allergic to cat dander. Yep, about 10 minutes later the whole side of her face swelled up.

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