I need to update my email address and stuck. The app doesn’t allow it (latest version on Android). When I log in to the website it let’s me edit the other fields under Account Details, but not the email address. Please help!
I need to update my email address and stuck. The app doesn’t allow it (latest version on Android). When I log in to the website it let’s me edit the other fields under Account Details, but not the email address. Please help!
At this time, there is no way to change the email address for your account, because it IS your account name. You will need to create a new account with the new email address. You can then request your email address be changed on the forum.
Does it change my device recording history and access to the events stored on the SD card if I change my account like you mention?
I believe it only changes access to the cameras’ livestream and event notification videos. I can’t recall anyone doing what you’re attempting, and then having issues with their SD cards.
Using email as primary account id is very short sighted. People change ISP’s and email addresses regularly. Will I now have to create a new account and then reset and re-adopt all of my cameras?!
Unfortunately, that is correct.
That is pretty lame you are stuck with an email address. I want to change mine too. And have cameras, smart sensors and going to buy the lights. Better stop buying.
That “doing what you are attempting” comment from the moderator would seem to indicate that the ability to simply change an email is an abnormal request. Very strange attitude.
I’m in this same situation. We really need to be able to simply change our email address on our accounts. I’ve locked myself out of my account and can’t do a password reset because I no longer have access to the email I registered with Wyze, I changed ISP’s. I’m so frustrated right now… gggrrrrr…
Hey @richard_evans
I’ve never been in this situation but im thinking one possible solution would be to do a full reset on the cameras and just make a new account. because you no longer have access to that email then I’m guessing no one does, so basically its just a dead fish. I’m doubting the isp would reuse it ( depending on how common the names involved are)
but if you do a hard reset on the cameras, they are like new ( you would need to update them when you are done setting them up) but them just connect them to a new email. something like a Gmail account where its not going to be taken, unless the google aliens decide to finally take over, and you should have a brand new set up.
thats the only course of action I can think of with the current Wyze set up.
@Bam I thinks that’s the route I’m going to take. Thank you!
Yes, that is the only solution at present and is what I ended up doing. Climb ladder, reset camera, move ladder, climb ladder, …
Not exactly what I preferred!
Yeah. The old “devs copy code from another project that uses e-mail address as the primary key for user accounts” and no one reviewing the decision had the enterprise identity management experience to know it was bad architecture. Pardon me while I go out to the shed and get our ladder…
Same situation here. Need to update email. Please Wyze fix this issue and allow easy email updating.
I love Wyze and this is currently my only gripe with the system. I had to change my email address about an year back and have moved all accounts to the new one except Wyze – where I have about 10 devices and moving them manually with their rules etc. doesn’t sound fun. +1
I have the same issue. Very bad design to lock an email as a username, everyone at some point will change it or get others, etc. All the forums I use have username/ID and the email is for news and setting change links.
I have 5 cameras, sensors, switches and was about to get some bulbs and the dead bolt device, they never mailed me on the dead bolt device either and I still have that old email address.
Account/member names really should not be email addresses IMHO.
There is a request for this topic under the Wishlist category. Wyze is currently researching the ability to change emails. If you haven’t voted for it, you can hop over here at the top left of this thread.
For the sake of those searching for this topic.
This feature was added to the app in version 2.16.
Now you can change your email and not lose your subscriptions & services, or have to setup devices again.
The email change function is really a masking trick employed by the IT folks. Your email is not really changed in the IT tables. I have first hand experience with this. I had changed my email address back in April shortly after when the email change functionality was available.
I purchased an additional camera In May and got a welcome email sent to both my old and new email addresses. I contacted Wyze support on this issue. Whenever support replied, the email was sent to my old email address with a copy to my new email address. In other words, my account was still registered under my old email address as the primary owner and my new email address is an “add-on” to the account.
In early July 2021, I set up a new email address and account. Support was able to transfer my Cam Plus subscriptions to my new account on my phone. However they were not able to move the Cam Plus subscriptions to my Wyze Services account, which was a separate system. The two systems were not linked! After considerable back and forth emails, earlier this week (July 19) I had them cancelled my Cam Plus subscriptions that were attached to my old email address and purchased them again in my new account. The lesson learned is that the Wyze email change function isn’t a real change. They merely add your new email as an alternative email and they don’t tell you the new email is really a secondary email. I found out that not all emails go to the secondary email which is why I decided to set up a new account with a new email. It’s still painful if you want to change your email address on your Wyze camera account.
I appreciate your detailed explanation and can confirm I’m still getting emails to the old address. The back-end must be a mess.