DuoCam Doobell Camera VOIP Worked Then Stopped Working!

I installed the Duo Cam Doorbell on Thursday. I hardwired camera and am using existing mechanical chimes. VOIP was turned on & Ignore Notification Status is on by default. The VOIP feature worked flawlessly Thursday and Friday until around 6 PM CST. At that point the VOIP stopped working and has remained a non working feature! Nothing was changed on the Wyze App or any settings on my iPhone - this makes no sense!!
I am running the following: iPhone 16 Pro Max - IOS 18.1 - Wyze App 3.2.2 (1) - Camera Firmware - Activation Date 11/07/2024.
All other features of this Doorbell works great - I need to get the VOIP working again.
Has anyone else experienced this and found a solution? What is causing this feature to just stop working!? I have factory reset camera and reinstalled it to no avail.

Called Tech Support 11/11 - sent diagnostic log!

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