Duo Cam -Google Hub and Android phone

My new Duo Cam is working, but when doorbell is pressed it does not notify my android phone or allow me to communicate with them. When the doorbell is depressed my Google hub tells me someone is at the front door, but I can neither vew them or communicate with them.

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Welcome to the Forum, @Leagle! :wave:

What troubleshooting have you attempted? How do you have notifications configured for Duo Cam Doorbell? Do you have Push Notifications enabled in the Wyze app? Does the Wyze app have Android notification permissions enabled?

Notifications on Android can be tricky to troubleshoot because there are different levels where things can be enabled/disabled and different Android variants are available (not all with the same settings options). Having more detail about your starting point (your Wyze app settings, version, Android version, etc.) will allow others in the Forum to provide you with better assistance.