Downloading Events Doesn't Work

I’m using a Wyze Pan Cam v3 and an annual subscription for Cam Plus. I have a 14 second event that I can view in the iOS app but when I try to download it, all I get is an MP4 that’s zero bytes. This applies to AirDropping it, saving it to my iPhone, or trying to send it via iMessage. I can also review the event on the Wyze web view but Wyze does not provide any way to download. I am astounded that nothing works. I know trying to get support from Wyze is not going to happen so anyone got any ideas?

Hey mgibbs

On Wyze web view, using Brave browser (chromium based) w/Windows 10:

If there’s a Mac mouse equivalent, Bob may be your uncle. :slight_smile:

On macOS, under both Brave and Chrome, a right click only offers "Save Video Frame As … " and “Copy Video Frame” … I’d post a screenshot but that’s apparently not an option on this forum.



You can try a reset.

Uninstall the app. Reboot the phone. Install the app and sign in.

I could try that all over again but why? The app’s been updated, The phone restarted (which won’t help because – as I wrote in my original post – I’m trying to make this work on a browser on macOS), The only thing I haven’t tried is sacrificing a chicken.

Anyone … maybe even Wyze support if they deign to engage … have any useful suggestions or a fix or any-*******-thing that won’t waste my time?

Oh, but it is!

Unfortunately, I don’t use Cam Plus or macOS, so I can’t offer any advice for that specific problem. I guess the next step is :axe::chicken::drop_of_blood:. :man_shrugging:

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I stand corrected on the image posting.

No worries. I just wanted you to be aware so that you’re not missing out on a feature of this platform, since you previously wrote that you’d post a screenshot if you were able. I appreciate a good visual when trying to solve a problem, so hopefully that’ll be helpful to you in the future, particularly if you can post something that’s relevant to another macOS user.

Any luck with the chicken sacrifice?

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