Download selected (or all) events (bulk download)

Much simpler, easier and faster is to take out the SD card and download everything to a folder on your PC and play the entire thing on VLC. Of course this is not a good idea if your cameras are far away or if you have them mounted in a very hard to reach location. I have never understood why cams are place in difficult to reach locations. I placed my cams out of reach, but I don’t need to climb a 50 foot pole or 22 foot extension ladder to reach them. I hate tall F***ing ladders, :grin:


So I’m going to ask again because I really want it to to get to the dev list. Can we please have a bulk download option so we can download all by camera, by event, or just simply download all cameras. I love my Wyze cams but I have MUCH better tools to sort the videos on my Mac or iPad. Until you can give those tools a bulk download option is needed.


Download multiple videos

Would love to be able to select multiple videos to download all at one time. Instead of having. To download one single video at a time.


Bulk aka Multiple Event Select and Download Option for Events

An option to select/choose events and save them in one shot aka in bulk onto your phone, instead of downloading each one by one manually.

This would work for bothusers not using an SDMicroCard, or users with a very low capacity SDMicroCard or full SDMicroCard necessitating a download of particular events.

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I returned my cameras. This is a required feature for me.

  1. save in the cloud
  2. download multiple events at once

—- update:
Arlo cameras allow multi-select for those who need this feature

—- what it is like right now to use the manual download:

It takes about 10 seconds to save a video manually… but then I need to organize them, remember which I downloaded & which I didn’t, and not skip one by accident, etc.

If someone robs my house I need to have all the videos. End of story.

This is such a basic required feature.

If wyze is doing this for $$ … then add the feature to the plus plan so we can pay for it.

Requiring hours of work, and if I don’t do it perfectly… everything is erased in 14 days…

Until this feature is in place, these cameras are toys for fun. Not a serious safety solution.

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My dsta stored in the cloud, currently needs to be downloaded individually. I need a way to download all at once. Is it possible? If so how, do i do it…

Another +1 for this feature to be added!
Its absurd to lock downloads to only one at a time and only via the app. In an emergency or any time sensitive situation this would be awful!

Wyze, why would you make things this difficult for your customers? It doesnt require a great deal of development work to implement this.

  • allow multi-select/bulk event downloads
  • also allow it via web browser
  • and allow the video filenames to be something user friendly like date-timestamp in the filename. A filename like 761e89655d0182837badfc04d6690d6.MP4 isnt helpful when a video needs to be sent to the authorities.
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Seriously, there is no way to download all videos? This is a basic table stakes feature…

Hello, anyone home? Does anyone work at Wyze? How come this hasn’t been addressed and fixed? Need the ability to batch download motion video events/clips.

While this is mostly a user to user forum, there are Wyze employees here in the forums, and they do review the wishlist requests and address it with a response, which is decided based on a ton of different factors such as how popular is the request, how difficult would it be to implement, cost considerations, how many users would use it, and many other such things.

In this case, they reviewed the request and decided it is not a priority over other more pressing requests and they labeled this as “maybe later.” There are other requests that are taking priority based on some of the above listed factors.

Personally, I would assume this is unlikely to get implemented anytime soon.

Download event video clip

I would like to select all the event videos from wyze cameras and save to imac for further editing.

I’d just like to note that my research lab recently started using Wyze cams to monitor our animals and that it is wildly unfeasible for us to download videos one at a time. We currently have two cameras set up for two different animals. Within the past ~12 hours (12 AM to about 11:30 AM), we have accumulated over 400 motion events. This is not even a full day. We’ve had the cams set up for two weeks now - assuming activity levels are completely uniform each day (which they’re not), that’s 11200 videos that we’d have to individually select and download. I saw earlier in the thread (or maybe in a different thread) someone say that the downloading of an individual event takes 10 seconds. To put this into perspective, that’s over 31 hours of time we would now need to manually spend downloading individual files - for just 14 days of data.

I honestly can’t believe that bulk downloads isn’t a feature already, and it’s even more ridiculous to me that it’s been labeled only as a “maybe later” thing at that. It’s not something we even thought to look out for when choosing which cameras to use because it is so obviously necessary. If this isn’t something that gets implemented, I don’t know how we’re ever going to be able to back up our videos to a shared location so that we can go through them all. Truly, what a waste of time and money - but I guess we’re to blame for assuming that this was a feature in the first place.

Another note in advance for anyone recommending the use of a microSD card - just about every time we’ve used microSD cards with our wyze cams in the past, the data gets corrupted and the card needs to be reformatted upon placing it into a computer, which requires that everything on that micro SD card to be deleted.

Height of Stupidity to be not providing the multi-select download features on Wyze web interface. how can u download 1 by 1 in mobile app ? Think …