I have about 6 new recorded videos but each time I go to watch them I get the “download failed” message on screen… What happened?? I don’t know what good my videos are going to be to me if I cant even watch them to see what is happening…
I am having the same issue… the last 3 will not come thru either…
Good to know that it isn’t just me… Hopefully Wyze is working on a fix… this is a mess for sure if we aren’t able to view our recordings.
I hope so too… im looking for my amazon order to pop up so I can get someone to go grab it off my porch since I wont be home right after work.
This has been going on for the last 30 minutes for me. I have been waiting to see if the videos would come in and they haven’t and still keep telling me the same thing. It is frustrating. I searched for a topic on this issue before posting this thread and didn’t see one. Hopefully others will chime in here if they are experiencing the same issue.
Several of mine initially would not load but the oldest 3 just loaded so it appears to be clearing up.
I had 8 videos total (2 more came in that I wasn’t able it view) Out of all 8 I still have 3 that will not download and there is no preview of the shot that was recorded so it still is an ongoing issue as of now. Originally noticed this an hour ago…
Could be linked to this
I still have my 4 not showing
I have the same problem. I can’t download videos recorded after 8:00pm EST, 11/24/19. Older videos can still be downloaded.
Having the problem here in North Carolina also
I’m in Virginia and I’m experiencing the same issue. Wyze is working on resolving this Event Video issue, and they’re only asking everyone to be patient for a few more hours.
I’m noticing here as well. 8:56 est.
Hopefully, everything will be back to normal in 2 or 3 hours. They’re usually very prompt in fixing problems like this.
Thanks everyone for the replies and the info! I don’t know if anyone has figured it out yet but I just went into my local storage to view the video recordings of the time that they came in on the app and were able to see the recordings. So if you have a Micro SD card in your Wyzecam that is an option to see the events until they get the kinks worked out…
Great idea. Totally forgot about that option.
Yes, that’s a very good work around until things are back up and running.
My ‘event’ was a USPS truck circling the cul de sac. Working late already!
Thanks! I was a little late even thinking that might be an option but it finally popped into my head and I tried it and it worked like a charm so that I could see the events and not be freaked out that I had missed something really important that I should have seen immediately.