Doorbell Cam Anti-theft

Quite some time ago, someone mistakenly inserted a silver screw in the pin hole of a doorbell cam. They complained that the screw should have been painted black to be less obvious.

Later, the user was embarrassed after realizing the screw was not intended to plug the pin hole.

I jokingly said this was a theft deterrence feature.

Apparenty, someone thought the same thing and posted this video.

That is funny when someone mistakenly inserts a screw in a wrong hole and it actually could be a good idea after all.


I might be a minority here, but I prefer to be able to remove the device and battery easily, rather than have to clumsily remove a screw from a tight spot. I should mention that I never plan to hard wire the doorbell. If it gets stolen, it gets stolen, that’s the risk I’m taking. But there are a couple of other cameras that will record the event.

I should add that the doorbell isn’t visible from the sidewalk.

I have the same attitude about all my cameras. They’re all reachable with not much effort and are not screwed down. All of them are held by the magnets.

This was just an observation and not a mandate. Opinions will vary. I am fine with that.

All of my cams are internal looking out. No doorbell cam. Doorbell hasn’t worked in over a decade.

Just sharing my opinion :slight_smile:

I remember the topic @ssummerlin mentioned, and I wonder if that user had previously used a Video Doorbell Pro, which apparently does use a security screw. I’ve never owned that one but was amused by the suggestion in the video to use a screw from an old hard drive, because I have a collection of small screws that obtained while dismantling old drives and things. I used two of those Torx-head screws for cover attachment when I created my own Video Doorbell v2 mount/cover.

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