If someone was not a customer after Nov 2019 there was no promise of free PD. The cams didn’t even support PD after Jan 2020.
Here’s a refresher…
Xnor.ai person detection cancelation was announced Nov 2019, and was removed from firmware in Jan 2020. There was no promise of free PD at this point.
Once Wyze launched their in house PD, it was indeed free for any customer as of Nov 2019. Any customer after that date was never promised free PD, so they were never baited.
Our issue is that in an email last year, we promised 1.3M of our earliest users that when we finished building person detection that it would be free; even if it was cloud-based. You are receiving this email because you are one of the people that received that promise.
When Person Detection for 12-second event videos officially launches, you will be able to name your price. You can select $0 and use it for free.