Does anyone know if Wyze takes suggestions? It would be really nice if you could look up and review footage via date and time on iOS. I don’t know if this happens for anyone else, but when I have to skip forward more than two or three times, it seems to overload the review capabilities of the app and just give me a bunch of no video available at this time errors.
Welcome to the forum @Want2Bwyzr
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Are you not using the Events pages in the Wyze App? You should be able to pick a day and time of which Event you want to view.
If skipping ahead is slow you may have poor signal to your cameras or your device.
Oh, you have to have a subscription… ah well.
If you do not have a Cam Plus subscription, you would need to have a Micro SD card in your camera. In the Wyze App Events page you should see still pictures. Clicking on the Playback button should take you to your SD card you view the footage.