Different ip address in camera info

Camera settings → device info shows different ip address than obtained from router dhcp.
I bet this is one these bugs that lead to connectivity problems, somwhere in code you use ip address from old dhcp lease

Is this a log number? If so, your next step is to contact Support and let them know so they can forward your log and findings onto the devs and engineers.

I have a few Wyze cameras with IPs different from the DHCP-assigned IP. I don’t think this is a Wyze issue. I think the router is using some internal housekeeping logic. I’d trust what the Wyze app is reporting. Does your router happen to have separate IoT WiFi bands?

Totally possible for it to be either, however, I’ve always seen the correct ip address and have looked at it a bunch of times.

If it is wrong though then you shouldn’t ever get a working connection, and if it you do, then it can’t be it should it be showing something different from what you’re thinking (at that moment).

What would be interesting is to ping both addresses and see which one returns!
Something else that would be interesting is to run “arp -a” from a PC on the same router and see what IP address goes to which Mac address.

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