Another great cloud recording
The recording on the SD is normal. The downloaded cloud event was 39.8MB for 26 seconds. All the other 20+ cloud recordings were normal.
Or a with super powers.
I think the s are experimenting with teleportation. They are way ahead of us humans in that area
You made me think back to the jittery video I was experiencing with v3 firmware back around (November 2, 2022).
Another did the same thing in May of 2024.
With smart cameras/streaming, I wouldn’t quite say this is “Common”…but it is well known to happen sometimes. People have been able to purposely reproduce it by causing various degrees of network latency, short bursts of signal interference, and has often been seen with dynamic frame rate and high compression rates, both of which have been seen from Wyze. My bet is on the latter. I suspect it’s mostly due to compression and frame rate capture (which could be partially affected by other things).
Allegedly motion detection algorithms can play a part, particularly in poor lighting conditions, causing visual artifacts, though I don’t really understand all of that at this point.
At least the above is the script that was passed to me by the racoon that teleported into my home office, help a claw to my neck and told me to write it.
The strangest part to me was the size of the file (39.8 MB) ? A usual V4 26 second cloud event is usually under 5MB. The has super powers.
Maybe the cloud video went back and forth the WYZE 5 or six times.
Oh yeah, I didn’t even catch that. That is weird.