Detection zone does not save on two of my many V2 s

On two of my V2 cams I go to the detection zone draw out the area that I want detected. Hit save. Maybe modify it and hit save again. Go out. Look at the camera. Go back and the only area that is saved is one little square in the top left corner. Everything else on the screen is blacked out as none-detection area. I have also tried restarting the camera with the detection mode off and then trying to say the detection area.

I’ve also got another problem with two other V2 cams. They have developed a purple Haze on most of the camera space. I have tried rebooting all cameras and disconnecting and resyncing them.

Does anyone have any suggestions? Has anyone else experienced anything like either of these issues?

On the V2’s I’ve found that deleting the camera and setting it back up like a new camera solves lots of weird issues. Might be worth trying on one of those V2’s and see if it works.

The first one:

@sleighton 's suggestion is probably a good bet, I posted the issue on fix-it-friday but it died on the vine, seemingly an ‘edge case.’ :man_shrugging:

Same issue on multiple V2s. Looking forward to corrective action from Wyze…

My v2 cams are working fine. What firmware version are you on?

Maybe somebody can chime in with an idea.

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Also running the latest firmware, and I’ve tried removing and reinstalling the camera. I also have three other v2s that work fine.

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Seems like yours should work across all cams if your version matches mine. I wonder what the difference is between the working and non-working cams.

Did you call into support to log and track your issue? We can only offer suggestions on the forum. Maybe someone else will have a better suggestion. Besides matching my setup, all of your cams are on the same network and some are not fully performing.

“Call into support” is there REALLY such a thing any more. and NO ONE makes it simple.

Yes. There is support. The number is on their site.

This forum is supported by volunteers . Support can get your case to an engineer for a resolution or to get a refund.