Defective wyze switches?

I have 4 wyze switches in a 4way box. One to a ceiling fan, one to a ceiling led lightbulb, one to a mudroom led lightbulb and one to a porch led lightbulb. They’ve all been installed for about 6 months with no issues. Just recently the mudroom light has started flickering and the porch light comes on, but very dim. I have canceled all the schedules until i get home in a few days to troubleshoot them and i suspect the hot wire must have come loose or something but im not sure yet. Has anyone else experienced this and if so what was the cause. Im gonna be pissed if these new switches have gone bad. My other ones are a couple years old and have been great.

If the mudroom switch and the porch switch are next to each other in the box then this could be the issue, some type of short or cross. Looking forward to what you find!

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Have had no issues with the 16 Wyze switches I have installed. Many in two gangs and a couple in 4 gang boxes.

Let us know how it goes


Did you daisy chain the grounds together, the neutrals and the hots? While i wouldnt expect it, i am wondering the hertz is being reduced as it goes from one switch to the next. And it hasnt been and issue for almost 6 months, but who knows. It definitely was a pain in the arse doing 4 of these in one box. Hardly any space to work with.

I ran into the same situation of space. I did daisy chain the neutrals in most cases. In one case I had to extend a single to the bundle because of limited space rather than add to the bundle.

The rest were directs and I strategically tucked and folded the lines.


Turns out it was a very simple issue. I took the two led bulbs from the affect lights. I tested them out in a fixture with a traditional switch. The bulbs did what they were doing in the wyze controlled fixtures. So bulbs were chucked and replaced with good ones. Problem solved. It seemed unlikely the wiring was the issue because i never expected the led bulbs to crap out in a fixture that is outside in cold temps. And yes the bulds are outdoor rated.

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