[Note: the text below is my request edited & re-worded for clarity, following the topic being moved to the Wishlist category]:
I want to use my Cam V4 to make timelapses involving the movement of people and/or animals, but I’ve found that the lowest interval available on the app (1 frame every 3 seconds) is much too big for this purpose.
By my calculation, it’s about 75-90x faster than realtime.
(0.333 frames per second vs an assumed realtime frame rate of 25-30fps.)
So my wish is:
Can we have a way to record “slower” timelapses? This could be in the form of;
A) Shorter timelapse minimum interval, for example allowing 1 sec or 2 secs between frames
B) Adjustable frame rate of the normal “Record” function, for example is it possible to record video at 10, 5 or even 1 FPS?
Ideally both functions together, which would unlock the ability to have any video frame rate from 30ish FPS all the way down to the really low ones (1 day+ between frames) you can already do with the timelapse function.
Obviously we could just record really long realtime videos and then speed them up in editing software, but that really eats up the SD card space, and I think I would run out. I’d much rather capture less in the first place, if it is possible.
[Original post]:
I just got my Cam V4. Seems like a great product, and is working nicely so far.
However, my main reason for buying it was to create timelapses, and I was surprised to see that the interval between frames can only go as low as 3 seconds.
Is there a technical reason for this?
If not, what are the chances of a firmware update to add 1 sec, 2 sec and maybe also 0.5 sec intervals?
3 secs is really too long for anything where people are moving across the frame - at most they might appear in a single snapshot, so any sense of motion is lost.
Would really appreciate a little more control!
[Mod Note]: Your topic was moved to the Wishlist category for better visibility. Please remember to click the VOTE button to show your support for your own idea.