Connecting Cam v3 to network

Check out My current Wyze cams don’t work with 5G - #12 by isaiah58

They were discussing same situation. One comment was " I noticed the Wyze is configured to show networks with the 5G somewhere within the SSID NAME as incompatible, whether its actually tranmitting on 5G or not."

Unfortunately, time for me is short so trying to test is out of the question, I did add an access point yesterday exclusively to the now disconnected cameras, connected ted perfectly with the new name which does not have the 5G in the name.

I feel sorry for the folks who called their 2.4g network “Not the 5g network” because that will not work when you connect new cameras.

It still bothers me that it did work. Why some Wyze developer decided to implement this and report it as “an unsupported network” goes beyond logic. How it was signed off is even crazier.