Hi, I had a Wyze Cam v3 Pro connected on a network at my house, now it won’t connect. Nothing about the network has changed.
I’ve tried adding it as a new device, after hitting the setup button, and I get the dreaded “cannot find specific network name”
My WIFI does not have 5GHz radios, so I know this is not the issue. Neither password nor SSID has changed. For reference, I’m using a Unifi UAP-LR, it’s my only AP.
Have tried:
Using previously working network SSID
Adding a new WIFI network under “Other…” (with same credentials, since they haven’t changed)
Pretty stumped at this point, any ideas? Thanks!
Update: It seems like the camera just started working again, certainly as for nothing I’ve done AFAICT. Oh well, looks like I can mark this solved!
Did you try rebooting the router and/or APs? Sometimes a wifi association or DHCP lease gets “stuck” and the cam can’t get an IP. Sometimes it will eventually clear itself up, as seems like the case here, but a reboot (typically the router/dhcp server but sometimes the APs) fixes it right away.
This explanation might be overkill, but FWIW my “router” (fiber gateway/firewall) is a Dell 7050 mini PC running CentOS 10 with FreeIPA (has integrated bind dns server), and I swapped out dnsmasq for ISC dhcpd (grand daddy DHCP server) - that seemed to do the trick.
Bouncing dnsmasq probably would have done it too. Generally dnsmasq has been perfectly reliable for me but from time to time it has needed a bounce. I don’t think any DHCP server/daemon is totally immune, at least not ones that we can run at home on reasonably priced hardware.
Yeah, I love how easy dnsmas is to configure, and that it’s an all-in-one solution, but I think it was overkill for my setup. It’s super awesome when it’s all by itself.
Yeah I guess if you’re using BIND for DNS then there could be overlap/conflicts with dnsmasq trying to do only DHCP. DHCPD probably makes more sense in that case, let each one do its own thing (and DHCPD should be able to update bind when it assigns an IP, never tried to do that with dnsmasq, it “wants” to update its own database really).