Configuring alerts for invited viewers

There are three places to control push notifications:

  1. Per camera in the cameras Settings > Event Recording > Send Push Notification. This can be controlled by the camera owner or shared user and will affect both.

  2. Globally on an account basis by tapping the bell icon on the top right of the home screen, or using the switch in Account > Notifications. This affects only the owners or shared users login account on all devices they have logged in to the Wyze app.

  3. In the phone’s OS settings, which can enable or disable all notifications from any particular app. This applies to only that particular phone/tablet. (Note: this is not possible in some versions of Android.)

You can think of the three notification control options as three concentric rings or gates. If the inner gate (level-1, per camera) is closed, no notifications get beyond that level. If the gate is open, then the notification can attempt to get past the next level (level-2, account), etc.

You will want to make sure the per camera setting is on, and that the global setting is on for you and off for the shared user. If the shared user wants notification for their own cameras but not yours, unfortunately there’s no way to accomplish that. If they turn off the per camera setting, it affects you too. If they turn off their global setting, they get no notifications. If that’s your situation, I’d recommend hopping over to the topic below and voting for it (you must click the VOTE button at the top):