Clicking sound and video playback issues

The clicking is only heard on the Pan Camera.
The display issue is seen during ‘Events’ playback… The video appear fogged for the first 2-3 seconds and then clears to normal… At the end of the clip the video gets foggy again. Only since last update has this occurred. It happens on all 7 cameras, two of which are pans.

Is this possibly what you’re referring to with the playback?

Yeah, thats MY POST.

I was confused when I first saw your reply. Then I realized you replied via email. I was actually replying to @Big_monkey in their new topic to see if the problem you had was the same as yours. I stopped replying to posts via email because very often context is lost. :slight_smile:

OK, how can I be of assistance? Which post that I made were you referring to?

Actually, this one. You were the OP. :wink:

I referenced another post in my original reply to you a day ago. :slight_smile:

OK, all is good have a wonderful day:-)

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