My wife’s flowerbeds have getting visitors and I wondered if Cam Plus + WYZE Sprinkler Controller + new Automation + Floodlight could help. It looks like the cat was trying out for a new Olympic category called “Bush Balancing” but then changed to “Sprinting” when my detect pet between 10 PM and 5 AM activate Flowerbed zone for 2 minutes automation triggered! I’m sure there are other videos like this but I wanted to share ours.
For some reason I didn’t realize we could choose which zone turns on in the sprinkler controller actions.
I need to set this up for all the dog walkers who don’t pick up after their dogs. I don’t actually want to spray the people, just have the sprinklers turn on as they walk by, spraying my yard (not the sidewalk) just so their dog doesn’t want to stop in my yard to do their business.
Too bad Wyze AI can’t tell the difference between Dogs and cats and I’ve never tested if multiple zones can run at the same time I actually have 3 different zones that run along my long sidewalk, so that could be a challenge. I might have to try it though.
Very nice.
I need something like that to scare away iguanas from my pool deck.
Your iguanas love the water, as evidenced by them high diving into your pool…so this might actually attract more iguanas, rather than scare them away.
We too have a few neighbors that won’t pick up after their dogs either and my wife won’t let me “return to them what they dropped off at our yard”. She thinks that if we have cameras and know who they are, they might do the same. Instead we pick it up and put in our trash.
Nope, you need to set up some pool chairs for them, and provide poolside service.
You could be right. I was thinking about the noise, I wasn’t thinking about the water.
I would think about that luxury, if they would use the iguana toilets I provided.
Like those flying invaders from Canada. They need to keep their @#$%^&* Geese in their own country. I couldn’t even step on the green of the 3rd hole playing golf today, to many land mines , it was completely covered.
I am thankful that iguanas don’t fly, although they do intermittently fall from trees.
Why not just go out and shoot the breeze with them as they pass? Pretty soon, if they have any humanity in them, they’ll stop pooping on yur lawn.
Oh, that’s right, you can’t automate it.
This from the guy who said…
He just wants ‘friends’ to fetch things for him so he doesn’t have to put on his slippers and do it himself.
We have a young neighborhood cat who if I was an Olympic recruiter for the US team I would keep an eye on. A lot of raw talent that might be molded to form an acrobatic champion.
Good observation. I guess it depends on the audience or which way the wind is blowing.
Can you fetch me a beer?
No margaritas today?
Tonight with dinner. It’s Margarita Monday. Mexican Night.