Cannot turn of cam v4 spotlight

For some reason my recently updated cam v4 will not allow me to turn off the sporlight ( on motion). I turn the toggle off (ui changes) but it keeps coming on and when i go back in to the setting page its turned back on).

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Update. I was able to turn it off using the IOS client. Seems its just in the android beta version

I just tried it on one of my V4 cameras from both the Android and iOS app and it works exactly the same on both. I can turn the spotlight on or off from either phone. And when I turn on the spotlight from either phone, the spotlight icon on screen comes on on both phones.

I keep “Lights Off” as a rule on my app for all my floodlights, spotlights. I can’t set a rule to turn the spotlight off on the v4, it’s not even on the available rule list. All the other cams have it except the v4. Stupid.

I have exactly the same problem, with the latest V4 firmware update and Android app available as of today, 10/01/2024. I haven’t had the time to deal with their support on this, but hopefully someone else has reported it.

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