Alright so, I know there’s the online support section of wyze but I wanted to get an opinion before I waste my time over there. I have a camera that has given me a hard time since day one… I didn’t rma it because of 3 reasons; 1- I had it working about 3 days after trying for hours each day
2- it’s been working ever since.
3- I’m in Canada and when I purchased these the Canadian store didn’t exist so it got them from ebay brand new.
Today it decided it was dead. So I unplug the camera and plug my spare in. As soon as I do this, it makes a weird noise and never turns on. This is when I notice that apparently, the power supply that came with the first camera is faulty and has probably killed the second one. I tried with a new power supply but honestly… The backup camera is now doing exactly what the first camera was doing at the beginning and I know the backup camera was fine before because it was installed for a few months but I decided to remove it.
Basically I’m wondering what you’s think I should do or if they will even bother to replace them. I have my doubts.