Setting up my first camera. Worked great while charging. As soon as I unplugged it went dead. There is no on-off switch I see.
Also, it only does black and white.
Setting up my first camera. Worked great while charging. As soon as I unplugged it went dead. There is no on-off switch I see.
Also, it only does black and white.
OK, what camera do you have? There is no battery in a V3 camera.
v3. Then why did your setup have me CHARGE the camera for 4 hours? And, why did I set it up on my wifi if it’s not wireless??
Sounds like you are talking about the Wyze Camera Outside - NOT the V3.
All the Wyze cameras use WiFi for their network connectivity. However except for the WCO, they are require power to operate.
I don’t have a WCO, so I can’t help you beyond that.
Emphasis added on the word “your”. Note is a user forum. I am just another Wyze user - not a Wyze employee.
Did you purchase a camera that comes with a base or did you purchase a V3 and read the directions for A battery powered outdoor camera WCO. Did you purchase A or B.
Directions for WCO: Battery cam.
V3 information:
C’mon guys, obviously a new user - spell out Wyze Cam Outdoor the first time you use the acronym.
And OP - there are settings for night vision which could be the black and white.
Thanks for all the clarification. I did buy one thing and read the instructions for another. Sucks getting old.
However, I’m still fuzzy on the “wired” component of this camera, the v3. If you’re trying to cover your entire house with, say, 4 or 5 cameras, you’re going to have a lot of extension cords all over the place… correct??
I’ve looked into the WCO product and it has received mixed reviews. Do you have other suggestions for a simpler/wireless product?
The only
I’ve found that will monitor continuously is a dog. A well trained cat will do, but cats are difficult to train. It’s legend that Siamese cats were used to guard temples.
All the wireless cams I know of that are battery operated rely on short event based videos.
Otherwise their batteries are used up quickly.
Their are numerous ways one can set up a V3 on solar, with a back up battery, so you don’t need an extension cord but it’s not real simple.
I’ve presently 10 cameras set up at one house and 9 at another, all running off usb cords of various lengths.
It sounds like you are confusing power and network connectivity. With the Exception of Wyze Camera Outside which does have a battery (and is VERY limited because of that), ALL other Wyze cameras require a power source. Normally that is a Micro USB connection that connects to a USB wall wart. You plug that into whatever outlet is handy. I have about two dozen Wyze cameras at my house. Only a couple use an extension cord. Various people have used other USB connection power sources (including me). ALL Wyze cameras use WiFi for network connectivity.