Camera resolution

Two fellows broke into our cars (and those of neighbors) this week. They were caputured from two angles by V3 cameras with a security light shining on them. However, the resolution on the faces was very poor – certainly too poor to identify them as suspects.

What can be done to increase resolution. The static background looks sharp, but once you go to video the moving objects are unclear. This is true both when viewed on the iPhone and when the video is exported to a Mac via AirDrop.

Are your v3 cameras set to HD (and not SD or 360p)? If set to HD, you might try viewing on a device with a larger screen. Here is a picture of a lady checking my daughter’s car. I zoomed in on a 12.9 inch iPad and took a picture with my phone. Maybe not great resolution but good enough for me to tell if she comes through my neighborhood again checking doors.

If you need higher resolution, you might look at a Wyze Cam v4 which has higher resolution than a v3.

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First the v3 cams suffer from really really bad ghosting, that’s why I chose the OGs over the v3s.

Second, all these cams use over 99% compression rate on video, so unfortunately unless something is sitting perfectly still within about 10 feet of the camera, faces and license plates and the like won’t be usable, especially at night.

Unfortunately as of now, there is nothing you can change, you can’t pay extra for higher quality video etc. If there is a particular car you want to keep an eye on and it is further away, the OG Telephoto may give you a clearer picture since you won’t have to zoom in as much.

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