Camera moved by neighbour

I have a v2 camera on the top of my front door pointing into a communal hallway and facing my neighbours door, due to ongoing anti social behaviour by him daily and at night. I have had no choice but to buy it and put it there because the authorities are not doing anything and the case is ongoing, 2 years. (They don’t want to pay to take him to court basically).

My neighbour moves my camera. Is there any housing I can put over it to stop my neighbour moving it with his hands and walking stick or make it harder? Here’s the catch, unfortunately it is rented property so cannot drill into the door, making it hard to establish if there is anything I can put over the camera because obviously you would need to fix it some how.
I was wondering whether some sort of clear box over the top and then hanging the back part over the top of the door to support it (can be lifted off) could work - like those over door hanging coat hooks that support itself with the top part going over the top of the door. Sorry can’t explain
that vision any better. Just to make it a bit harder for neighbour to move it by having to get a hand underneath the box to get to the camera.
However I can’t make something like this since I am not skilled like that.
Maybe there is another option on the market, though doubt it I thought I’d ask your help.
Camera can’t be put anywhere else. There wouldn’t be a camera there if it were not for his ongoing behaviour, so note there is no need to point out his privacy is affected by me putting up a camera and that’s why he is moving it.

Sounds like your neighbor will spray paint over the camera, or any cover you create… so you do not really have any good options

Might have to look into getting a peephole camera instead of the wyze cam. Or if the quality is good enough, mount your wyze cam over your peephole.


Have you checked with the local authorities to see if what you’re doing might not be legal? You are pointing your camera at his door which may violate privacy laws.


@WildBill I have checked with the government and if I feel unsafe I can put up a camera as long as I put a sign up to say recording is happening which I have. However he could of course say it is a privacy issue. But as I said, I have no choice because if there is anti social behaviour you have to have evidence. You could also say any Ring cameras showing the communal hallway would not be allowed, yet I’m sure many people use them.

@isaiah58 Yes but if that happens its grounds for criminal damage and could happen without housing on it anyway. It would only go towards his anti social behaviour as the police are already aware of things so although annoying in the long term it would only help me should that happen because I would of recorded he did it and he’d have to pay for a replacement

@xtremehumvee84 good idea, only I have the wyze cam and I’d have to then buy a peep hole camera, I also do not know how to fit it in the peep hole, and it’s rented property. I live alone and have no one to help with fitting. Previously I had the wyze cam facing into peephole behind door for months but quality was not good so had to go on the outside of the door.

Isn’t anti social behavior where they don’t communicate with anyone and stay to themselves? I’m trying to understand what’s wrong with being antisocial?

@jaketheone46 are you joking???

No Google defines it as “Broadly, it is acting in a way that causes or is likely to cause alarm or distress to one or more people in another household. To be antisocial behaviour, the behaviour must be persistent.”

Here are some examples of why a camera is important (baring in mind I keep myself to myself and have only taken evidence, I have never ever done anything back to him)

  • Telling me to kill myself through my door without any discussion to warrant this
  • Smashing up my car, once proven (convicted but not shown up to court twice so far over a period of a year) but probably twice. Asked for damage costs, hasn’t paid a penny - over a year has passed.
  • His dog poo left directly outside my door
  • Calling me a ****ing ***** outside my door and banging on my door and windows
  • His dog poo left in communal garden every day, not once have I been able to use the garden and I have illnesses where I need to use it for my health because I don’t have the energy and mobility to leave my property/garden to go for a walk or drive without either great difficulty or not possible that day. I also have depression so denying me the use of sitting outside for a few minutes, means I’m stuck in my flat and it makes my wellbeing worse
  • Keeping me awake at night on a regular basis either by heavy smoking and leaving his front door open all day and all night on purpose in order for smoking to go into my flat or/and
  • Slamming garden door over and over on purpose at 1-4am, waking me and my cat up and keeping me awake all night til 6am (sometimes because of heavy smoke in my bedroom as well, and making me very ill for several days afterwards due to having chronic fatigue syndrome).
  • Loud TV noise (his door is fully open all night)
  • Assulting me on two occasions for taking evidence (with covid around too) causing more anxiety every time I take evidence
  • Not letting me get past in the communal hallway
  • Pulling up my garden plants which were doing really well (in the blind spots to my window, and being I’m ill I put a lot of energy into growing them from seed)
  • Parking over my parking bay on purpose so I can’t get out of my car, I have to climb over my gear stick and get in/out of the other door.
  • Calling the police out on me twice in one week trying to get me arrested saying I’m waving a knife at his door, threatening him, and kicked his door in (lies). I had to explain it was not true

There’s probably more I’ve missed.
Most of these things happen regularly, some daily.

Causing me daily anxiety and depression, and chronic fatigue syndrome (pain in body and fatigue, bed bound, no energy to eat, wash or do daily tasks) which happens due to stress.
Daily anxiety seeing him walk around my car and down my flat, look into my flat etc.
Also due to fatigue/pain/depression I cannot away get up to check if his door is open but can see this and get screenshot evidence from my phone because of the camera showing whether it is or not. I also cannot just go out of the property to get away from behaviours due to health. And because I’m ill I don’t work, so don’t have ability to get away from it.

Where did you get the idea that anti social behaviour is keeping yourself to yourself, i.e. not causing any distress or alarm???

You mentioned communication. You can be antisocial by not communicating but still doing anti social behaviours, like leaving poo outside of someone’s door.

He knows I also have sensory processing disorder too (stronger sense of smell and sensitivity to noise than others, so smells like smoke and poo make me really distressed as does banging doors). Many times I have not been able to have a wash due to his smoke in my bathroom in the middle of a wash, and I can’t wash again for some time. It also make my hair stinks of smoke inside my flat, and again I don’t have the energy to re-wash it.

Wow jeez that’s terrible and would suck so bad. I had just not heard the anti social phrase used that way before but did google it after I sent that. I sure hope the authorities eventually come through for you.


I’m sorry that you’re going through that. I hope it gets resolved soon and without any untoward incident. You are well within your right to protect yourself with video evidence. If using Wyze cameras, I suggest recording full time on the local SD card as well as getting cam plus. This way you have good local recording as well as cloud recording should the neighbor steals or damages the camera/sd card.

Have you contacted the building management regarding the communal area poop, smoke, door slamming, parking, etc?

Does the building have cameras that have coverage for the garden, parking, hallways, etc. If not, can you request the building to install them?

Is there a local ordinance for loud noise after a certain hour? If so, you can call on the police each time that happens.

@xtremehumvee84 's peep hole camera suggestion is a good one that allows you to get video of what’s going on outside your door with little interference from yout neighbor. This is of course unless your neighbor spray paints the lens. Hopefully he/she is stupid enough to do it after showing his/her face on the video.

You didn’t mention where you’re located but in the US, cameras are generally illegal only in places where there’s a reasonable expectation of privacy such as bathrooms. Public areas are free game. That includes your public hallway. Just make sure it’s not against the building policy. @WildBill If the neighbor’s door happens to be open (or he/she leaves it open) and the camera can see inside, as long as it viewable from the public area, then that’s fair game too. one of these with a lock, and then some double sided 3M VHB tape would do the trick.

asocial is to avoid or stay away from people,groups etc. Could be one or more types of avoidance of people.
Anti social is usually more overt even up to violence.
best thing to do is look it up

As mentioned above I did look it up. I just hadn’t heard it used in the context that the OP used it in. Soon as this neighbor touched anything of mine he would have some serious issues coming his way.

The three S rule applies here

lol I had to Google that

No violence references here, period. Always try to understand the other side without killing them first, lol.

Thanks for the support @jaketheone46 and @wc14

Have you contacted the building management regarding the communal area poop, smoke, door slamming, parking, etc?

• - for 2 years the landlord housing association has had ongoing evidence, last few months have been daily. The first time I went and looked at the property, my neighbour let his dog alone fouling in garden and I pointed it out to the housing association area manager who is meant to deal with it (everything goes to him) who was with me at the time and witnesses it, and he brushed it off as not an issue. I later found out that another neighbour here had been complaining many times of dog fouling by him before I even moved in. He since has stopped reporting it and won’t anymore because it’s time consuming and the housing association don’t reply or act.

  • contacted citizens advice who freely advice the public who need help with anything
  • contacted my council (environmental health about ASB and smoke) who were also useless despite daily evidence for months, and saying they need to prove their is smoke by smelling it. They are not able to because it happens late in the evening when they are shut, at weekends, and throughout the night
  • I contacted my MP out of desperation, he advised to contact my local councillors
  • contacted councillors in my area most recently last 2 weeks, only one person replied but his reply was ‘its being looked at and updated monthly’ (note taking that has gone on 2 years with updates being done monthly does not help and is not reassuring. I replied and he said he knows it is frustrating but it is being looked at. Rubbish.)
  • contacted my local fire brigade recently asking if they can do a report with my evidence (as I have had to go down the route of his door being open could cause a death/deaths). Waiting to hear if they reply
  • police can’t help with civil matters

Does the building have cameras that have coverage for the garden, parking, hallways, etc. If not, can you request the building to install them?

• No the housing association will not install CCTV. In fact they don’t reply to anything including my request for CCTV (or the fire, assult from months back despite several emails, or emails about other incidents or important questions). Yet coincidentally they sent me a letter yesterday, wanting me to point my camera down within 7 days as it’s a privacy issue. They need me to act within 7 days but never responded to messages over past 2 years which really has made my mental health worse by then repeatedly ignoring me and the behaviours continuing and escalating. This letter makes me angry because they are NOW saying this week, they need more specific evidence (yet they have daily evidence with time stamp on it, what more can they need!), and at the same time I can’t have a camera to get said specific evidence, in order for them to take action. They care more about his privacy than the affect of ASB for 2 years causing daily distress. I sent an email reply yesterday saying there wouldn’t even be a camera if they dealt with his behaviour in a reasonable time and if his behaviour was not still persistent and ongoing.

Is there a local ordinance for loud noise after a certain hour? If so, you can call on the police each time that happens.

• No the police in the UK do not deal with most of these situations which are civil matters. The housing association should be dealing with it. So I am on the phone to the police saying that I am not getting help and they say there is nothing they can do but keep a report. Until the other week where something else happened - camera caught evidence and is vital I point out - and they said they can look at give him a criminal harassment charge (but it probably happen because the police don’t seem to like charging people unless something really bad happens).

@xtremehumvee84 's peep hole camera suggestion is a good one that allows you to get video of what’s going on outside your door with little interference from your neighbour. This is of course unless your neighbor spray paints the lens. Hopefully he/she is stupid enough to do it after showing his/her face on the video.

• Yea but unfortunately as I said previously I don’t know how to set up a peephole camera

You didn’t mention where you’re located but in the US, cameras are generally illegal only in places where there’s a reasonable expectation of privacy such as bathrooms. Public areas are free game. That includes your public hallway. Just make sure it’s not against the building policy.

• I’m in the UK. I checked and I can put a camera up if I feel unsafe but the housing association says it is not prohibited because of privacy, and the police also pointed this out. I mentioned to the police he keeps moving my camera and they said we shouldn’t do anything about this because he would just argue it’s a privacy thing, that is fair enough. They also pointed out because it is such a small space the camera sees a tiny bit of his hallway because when he comes out of his door, he opens it allowing the camera to glimpse his hallway. This can’t be avoided unless I point the camera down which would make it pointless. And the police say this is an argument for privacy. The policeman said it’s a stupid law conflicting my needs as the victim because it doesn’t help. Nothing is proven without a camera.

So again he gets away with his behaviour, as he has done from the start, by me recieving this letter to ask me to move my camera down or it being in breach of my tenancy, and I’m the person made out to be the issue. Yet he has breached his tenancy several times a day for 2 years and they have done nought. So they are helping him carry on his abuse by not enabling me the right to continue to prove it is happening, though I have done that daily anyway. Sums up my opinion of the housing associations willingness to take action against the perpetrator.

@WildBill If the neighbor’s door happens to be open (or he/she leaves it open) and the camera can see inside, as long as it viewable from the public area, then that’s fair game too.

• Unfortunately not here in the UK. As I said above it’s a privacy issue. The government law says I can have a camera but the housing association can say I can’t, and I’m in their property with the communal area being their property. The government says if the housing association says I can’t then my tenancy is affected.

So I now have anxiety because because of this letter (and probably future letters) about my tenancy renewal being affected at some point because I refuse to stop my only way to get evidence of his behaviour. It is also vital for my wellbeing, knowing that at least some of his behaviour can be caught on camera.

When he assulted me on two occasions in the garden I had no CCTV. When he left poo outside my door or smashed up my car etc, I had no CCTV. At the time he shouted through my door to kill myself (knowing I just tried to, a day or so before because he must of heard I went to hospital), I had no CCTV evidence.

Hopefully your neighbor leaves you alone soon ! Have you tried drilling the camera into the wall ? Maybe then he won’t grab it ! I’m basically in the same boat as you with the crazy neighbors, previously to me getting these cameras they’d always break into my house when me and my husband was away or out to work , going through all of my personal items and now that I’ve installed these magical cameras he just sits on his lawn screaming about my underwear and how I’m stopping him from seeing them ! Makes me fume really the police here don’t do anything either so at least Wyze has my back !

Me to, I always try to understand the other side as well. Gotta remember just cause we don’t like it don’t mean everything.

From reading all of your responses it’s looking like you only have 2 choices, 1 find a way to get the neighbors to work with you by just asking them what can we do to get along or moving. Neither of which are possible I assume.
I always do my best to get along at all cost just for the simple fact if it ever escalated to my things being vandalized I would end up in trouble for a long time.

Way past getting on with him. He is anti social every day even when I have not spoken to him for weeks and months.
Someone said about drilling, as I said I can’t drill.