camera "loading bubble" stays in picture

After the last latest update for the app and cameras, the “live” view of all my cameras has the loading “bubble” in the picture even though the picture is truly “live”. This makes it very difficult to review SD card stored video in “playback” as well. Reboots of all cameras to no avail. I have (2) V1 and (2) V2 cameras, all act the same. Is my phone to old to be using these latest updates? I use Android version 4.4.2 and was very pleased with it until the last updates to the WyzeCam app.

Yes, although the minimum required Android version is 5.0+, we’re working on a fix to remove the loading screen for Android 4.4 users. There’s a tested fix and hopefully we’ll release it very soon. Thank you for letting us know!!

Yep. Same thing here on my Galaxy S3 with 4.4.2. Seems like the old firmware worked fine. on V2 causes my Android device to have the “loading bubble” to always remain on screen. Everything else seems to work fine.


Please hurry the fix :slight_smile:



I’ve got the same problem with my Samsung Galaxy S4.

Camera “loading bubble” never disappears after camera connects.

Works fine other that that, but loading bubble is annoying and obscures view.

Unfortunately, T-Mobile never upgraded OS past 4.4.4

I see they found a solution, but it’s in alpha…soon to be released as beta, I understand.



I just upgraded the firmware of my V1 camera to the X.X.X.62 and I have the same issue. My mobile phone is Samsung’s Galaxy S4. Looking forward to the fix.


Is that for both cameras, version 1 and 2? And was Android 5.0 the minimum operating system from the beginning of WyzeCam version 1’s life? I am honestly curious as to whether the requirements are the same or are they changing over time.

That’s all well and good as long as they don’t break my “working” camera. If they don’t want Android 4.4.4 users to have the latest firmware upgrade then the latest firmware upgrades shouldn’t be pushed to versions of Android that aren’t supported.

Don’t get me wrong. I think the camera is wonderful and the company has awesome support. But my only point is, if your gonna push an update out for customers you bear the responsibility for breaking changes at the very least.

They can check the version of the Android operating system on my phone. And see that’s it too old and have the application keep it’s mouth shut about “firmware updates” being available.

This is probably a very easy fix for the Android 4.4.4 operating system.