Camera is inverted. Not upside down

Hello. One of my v2 outdoor cameras has all of a sudden inverted. So it appears to be looking west when it’s actually pointing east. Like in a mirror.
I’ve shut it off and turned it back on. Any ideas?

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This is known. Please get a log in the cams settings > Wyze support > submit a log. Post the long number here and contact support, give them the log number. Thanks!


@IEatBeans i have created and submitted the log. When you say post the log number here, do you mean in this chat? I have looked under support on this page above and can’t find where to post that log number. Can you explain further what I do after I’ve submitted a log?

You need to contact Support and tell them your bug report/ssue as well as provide them with your log number that you made.

Creating an app log creates a log that is stored for later reference (by Support, devs, engineers). Following up with the official Wyze Support is the correct flow as they can report the issue and forward on the info you provide and the log ID to the correct department. This allows your issue to be tracked correctly.

When you submitted the log, the following splash screen shows the process.

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This just happened after the last update. There is now a guide to install them which is wrong. The V1 cameras can’t be mounted the way the picture shows. And if you try to 180 it will revert back to upside down. This is on them. Had my cameras up since 2020 never had a problem till this last update.


Yeah, this is a firmware issue and needs correcting. The camera no longer recognizes the 180 rotation between sessions.

There actually is a magnet/plate on the top for mounting too but its less than ideal.

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I did not know that about the top magnet. I just went out and flipped then. You are correct though. The “seal” as you would say isn’t as good. I am gonna leave it till they fix it but will worry if we had strong winds it would move it.


I am sorry this is happening, Can the users who are experiencing this issue AFTER yesterdays update please submit a log and give me the log number along with the cam model (WCO v1 or v2) and device type (iOS, Android).


Should have that as an option to…

On the cheap trailer backup cam :grin:

@WyzeJasonJ. Log numbers: 842202, 841842, and 842210. 3 of the V2 outdoor cameras.

Im using Android, Cam Outdoor v1, and log number 842506. I set the 180 rotation to On and, although i changed the camera orientation to right-side up, the image is not rotated after closing the app and re-connecting to the camera. It does rotate at first, it just doesnt persist between sessions, and the 180 rotation still shows enabled after re-entering the app.

Thank you, I have sent these to the team.

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Hi I only summited one log but called ans spoke to a wizard who sent the info to a tech team. I switch the cameras to the top magnet mount for now. When they fix the problem which I hope is promptly. Then I switch them back.

@harlan_21 @cdf82 @Buzzkill

Can you tell me exactly what happens. If I am understanding correctly you can rotate the cam 180 in the app and it does it, but when you go out and back in it reverts to the 180 off and you have to do it again. Is this correct?

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Yes that is correct. I have got to get ready for work so cant sit here and go into full detail.

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Thank you for the clarification. the last thing for those experiencing this, did you only update the camera or was the base station upgraded also. If you had not upgraded the base station can you tell me what version it is on.

I updated all at once. Everything is up to date. It really is in the firmware.

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I upgraded the base and both outdoor cams firmware. Now I’m experiencing the exact same problem as mentioned in this thread. Tried powering off the base and both cameras but that did not work. Please let us know when this is resolved.

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We do know it is in the firmware, we are just trying to narrow down where so we can get it fixed. Thank you for the info about the base.