Cam v4 problem loading clip from Microsd

Using Cam v4 recording to microsd when trying to access a clip from microsd I get an Error msg in the middle of screen: failed to load from local storage
its seems to be a BUG

Are you trying to access the clip from the Events tab or the “SD Card” icon?

Not from the event tab, was accessing from microsd by scrolling through different recorded clips over time using an android phone in landscape position when you scroll through different recorded clips from microsd not from events page in the app,

Do you mean the recent events? If I tap mine they load right up.

Or are you taping these?


Yes? If I tap the SD icon to open the timeline and tap any event it opens instantly. I’m using a good 256GB card on continuous recording.

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I recently bought a Cam V4 and have the same problem. I’m using an SD card that worked fine in my Cam V2. I installed the SD card in the V4, formatted it, power cycled the camera, selected “Record to MicroSD Card - Events Only”, and still get the “failed to load from local storage” error when selecting an event.

Note that manually recording or taking a photo does get saved on the SD card.

The V4 does support recording events and storing locally without Cam Plus doesn’t it? I know the V2 only recorded about 20 seconds per event and I’m ok with that. Is there some special setup I’m missing?

I have similar problems, I think they want you to use cloud membership or so, other camera company doesn’t have this problem and it give notifications using cloud or microsd period.

Put the V4 on continuous recording to the SD instead off events and see what you get after an hour or two. Check the Card in Advanced settings.

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I’m running the same brand/model/size and have no issues in my v4 cams. :+1:

But wow have they increased the price on these cards! :open_mouth: I think I paid ~$20 each for my 256GB cards last year:

No I don’t prefer personally to put the camera on continuous recording for many obvious reasons.

What is the obvious reason?

The price of this microsd is a little less than the price of the camera ??

Apparently. I don’t set the price of either nor did I pay those amounts.

I didn’t pay close to that amount either but I did post on the forum a while ago that the price for the 256 cards has gone up drastically in the last few months. The 128 GB version of the same cards are still a good price like $18.99

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And I didn’t pay that much 18 for 128 gb microsd talking about well known brand not cheap brand.

I didn’t pay $18.99 either, I stated that is what they are now.
So put your card in the cam set it to continuous looking at a clock or something and see if it works.

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I’d like to know the same :thinking:

Same question as a couple of others. I have a uSD card set to continuous recording in all of my almost 50 Wyze cameras.

I don’t use these wyze cameras anymore because it doesn’t satisfy my requirements so I gave both cameras v3 and v4 as a gift to my friend kid to learn and play with, end of a story.