My garage door cam v3 controller failed. When i press on the controller it says “controller fail”. I reset the camera and went thrue the whole process and it didnt work. I have ,also, deleted the garage door cam and recreated it. Everyting went smoothly but it did not pass the controller. I un-plugged the controller then plugged it back and i am getting the same result. I bought the cam v3 and controller in august 2022. Your help is appreciated.
One thing I don’t see is a power cycle. I had my controller hiccup awhile back, and I did a power cycle to correct it. Unfortunately the switch I used cycled power to the garage door opener, the cam, and the Wyze controller. So don’t know if a camera reset would have fixed my issue, but power cycling all that did.
I submitted a log after it was back up, you should too. Logs don’t get you contact from Wyze, but if the developers see a trend, then that gives them the ammo to fix it.