Cam plus on v2 Frustrations

Why am I playing for cam plus when most of the time I get no notifications of packages or persons everything claims to be updated I am technology smart and even now getting to be frustrating is it the V2 issues now so outdated?I don’t have time to mess with this camera 24 seven work for a living just happen to be on vacation trying to get things worked out

Can you provide info as to your camera settings, camera view, detection zone, sensitivity settings, actual firmware versions, app version etc? More info is needed so that issues can be worked through and recommendations can be made. Thanks in advance!

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currently restarting camera…

I have CamPlus on both my V2’s and it works great for AI detection/motion. Like @Omgitstony said, the more info the better.

If there is anything else I need to send you, let me know…thanks…I never had any problems before…except for last 4-5 months…have restarted router/ unplugged camera/hard restart/ reinstalled…a few times…reformatted disk…cleared cache…

thanks again,
Greg Gil

(Attachment is missing)

If there is anything else I need to send you, let me know…thanks…I never had any problems before…except for last 4-5 months…have restarted router/ unplugged camera/hard restart/ reinstalled…a few times…reformatted disk…cleared cache…
Sorry, zip files was rejected on your end…

greg gil


What are your event recording settings? Do you get any event clips in the event tab from this camera?

What are your event recording settings? Do you get any event clips in the event tab from this camera?


Please hit the funnel/hourglass icon in the upper right and hit clear. Everything should show now.

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On the Wyze app home page, check the notifications icon.

Disabled looks like this Screenshot_20220906-092731_WyzeBeta

notifications are turned on…no “ZZZZZ”

funnel/hourglass icon???..

They are referring to this:

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