Bluebirds 2025

All these years I thought they were blackbirds. You know, the kind there are a thousand in the field. Thanks for setting me straight.

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Starlings get mistaken for blackbirds all the time. The only reason I knew the difference is because my dad absolutely hates starlings. Lol


This is the first squirrel I have seen on the tray in years. Might have to raise it a foot

Captured on a Wyze OG Telephoto

Rocket J. Squirrel jr.


The things we do for food :rofl:

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Good jumper :grin:

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Too many mealworms make it difficult to get out


@towelkingdom aka Merlinetta.

House finch?


About 4 more mealworms that fat butt would be stuck until those birds that are black show up .


Yep! Male house finch. We get a lot of those here.


Too many mealworms. Canā€™t get in.

Fatso Datso Two by Four canā€™t get through the kitchen door


Probably went to the Blue Bird Diner before arriving. They had a special of ā€œall you can eatā€ for Mealworms. :grin:

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The replacement side panels for the bluebird feeder have been installed.

There was a scary monster looking in


One way in and out, no more blackbirds/starlings but the monster with the green box needs to go. :laughing:

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Dunno about a monster, but I imagine @K6CCC would agree about the box, at least. :grin:

@TomG, did you happen to use the  Share feature from an event in order to generate the video you posted above? I notice that Iā€™m having some issues playing it back and I wonder if itā€™s related to an issue discussed in another topic and elsewhere, specifically with respect to the last ~2 seconds or so (which in your video is a ā€œCaptured by Wyze Cam v3ā€ message). I think Wyze has maybe broken something with video sharing in the way they attach that tag, and Iā€™m trying to get a handle and some attention on the issue.

He used share:

I downloaded the clip to my photos and attached it here. Too lazy to edit and get rid of the pesky ad at the end.

Right, but how did you download it? Did you use the  Share feature from an event screen, did you use the  Download feature from that same screen, or did you do something else?

I donā€™t blame you for this at all, and I personally think that Wyze should make it optional. Iā€™m just trying to gather data here, because I think thatā€™s been part of some usersā€™ problems.

Thatā€™s also my suspicion. Iā€™m seeking confirmation from the guy who uploaded it. :wink:

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HandBrake? :grin:

I appreciate the effort. I was able to see the video up until the Wyze ā€œCaptured by Wyze Cam v3ā€ tag in the browser (Abrowser in this case). That part wouldnā€™t play and is where the player in the browser threw an error. When I tried the same thing on Chrome, Chrome stopped ~11-second mark but showed it as a 13-second video. When I downloaded @TomGā€™s original video and used VLC, I could see the whole thing.

Even with your re-encoded (at least thatā€™s what I think you did) video, itā€™s got a glitchy load. Whatā€™s buffered stops at what appears to be the 11-to-12-second mark, where the mouse pointer and red circle are in the image below:

This video does play all the way to the end in Abrowser, including showing the ā€œCaptured by Wyze Cam v3ā€ message thatā€™s tacked on. When the blue dot gets to the end of the grey buffered area during playback, it just plows right through to the end.

My point is that you shouldnā€™t have to do this conversion, though, which is why Iā€™m trying to get some details about how the original video was generated, because I think this is something Wyze needs to reevaluate and fix.
