Black screen on doorbell pro

Any fix for this? I recently bought a doorbell pro and it was working fine for about a month but now is just showing a black screen. It detects people and will take video of those events with green and purple lines down the video, but then go back to black screen.

I just experienced this yesterday. Sometime in the afternoon, the screen went black. The chime and doorbell worked fine. Re-installed the doorbell and re-booted my router without luck. Sometime during the night it started working again. This was a replacement for my 1st VDP which was DOA. Clearly there is some kind of problem with these Doorbell/Cameras. I’m reluctantly getting a different brand.

As a solution to this ever been identified? I have the same issue.

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Same problem here! Driving me crazy.

I have got the same problem, it’s hard to say what’s happening to the video feed, most of the time I get a black screen

Let me know if anyone might have fixed this issue


I have this same issue. Has anyone found a fix.

It’s now 2024 and I’m having the same issue. Does anyone know if there is a fix for this?

Not as far as I know, still dealing with it.

Is it during the day and really bright where your doorbell is? Mine was blacking out during live mode and event recording. As soon as I turned night vision off, I got my screen back.

Unfortunately, that did not help.

I am having this same issue. Completed the Reset. Verified the wiring. Attempted changing in and out of Night mode. NOTHING.
I find that anytime the door is ‘slammed’ it jars it to the point that it blacks out. In order to get the video back i have to tap the front cover. After a few moments it will come back. Almost makes me wish there was a way, in the app, to actually reboot the camera.