We bought the Wyze system with base station and three outdoor cameras 3 weeks ago and have been plagued with unpredicatable unacceptable battery life. The advertised life is 3-6 months. We can’t even get 3-6 days.
Yesterday with all cameras low, I charged them all to 100%, and set them out together on our sun room table facing our back yard with trees, 10 feet from the base station using WiFi.
When we went to bed they were all above 95% with Signal strength: 2 bars. They were showing on my iPad iive video.
This morning camera batteries were 75%, 0, 25%.
All had Night Vision: auto, Night Vision IR mode: off
All Battery usage live stream < 1 all others 0.
Motion detection off except for the Camera at 75% charge!
I really want this to work. But I can’t abide the battery issues. I have a week to decide whether to return the system.
There were some serious battery depletion issues associated with recent firmware, so the best thing you can do to start is make sure both the camera and the base station are using the current firmware ( for the Outdoor cam and for the base).
Beyond that, the next highest priority is to make sure the cameras aren’t getting triggered continually or in live view a lot, but it sounds like you are good there.
After that you may need to call Support, as there may be an issue with your batteries or charging circuitry.
Just a note on a possible issue I may have seen on one of mine – I plugged one camera in to recharge – I think it had a 25% level at the time. Minutes later it showed it was charged to 100%. I’m pretty sure if I had taken that back outdoors it would have shown 25% again very quickly. Instead I unplugged it and plugged it back in, and it started charging again. Unfortunately, it charged without end this time. So there may be something wrong with that camera, but if yours are going to 100% very quickly then they may not be charging at all. Something to watch out for in any case.
I discovered the problem (which the Wyze guy never mentioned in response to this problem).
I had an old iPad continuously viewing all three cameras. Once I made sure all were not in live mode anywhere I am getting very good life: cameras still over 98% after almost 3 days. I note however that the live sream statistic reported is false. And no idea why the three cameras were so disparate. But all is good now.
Newshound: I was referring to a Wyze support guy I was exchanging emails with who didnt even read my description of my problem before barfing out canned text. I think he was in the Phiillipines.