Battery Level Issues

Okay so I figured I’d jump on the latest bandwagon and inform the Wyze technical team that the battery level on the WYZE LOCK ( NOT KEY PAD) is not working properly. I’m starting to wonder if it ever really worked at all. The last thing I want to do is come home from work with a deadlock in no way to get in. Am I stupid for removing my bottom lock and using the Wyze lock as my one and only way to get in my front door? I mean it hasnt failed me yet but the fact that i cant even know if the batteries are full of life or if they are on their last dying breath worrys my mind and my pocket. I mean its not like batteries are cheap and i refuse to trust dollar store brand batteries with the Lock on the door that stands between me and my sexy cat and the crazy psychotic world I live in . I’m from Philadelphia, over 500 homicides last year… and I don’t know how many home invasions and burglaries …come up with some kind of chart for us like if you punch in your code four times a day everyday for a month your battery level should be between this and that… untill you guys come up with a solution. Ok maybe that idea sucked…lol. but im not the geek squad / tech dept.