Battery Cam Pro live view failing

Beginning yesterday my 6 Battery Cam Pro’s live view stopped working on my Android phone and tablet. Sometimes attempting live view displays the “Welcome to the all-new Wyze App” screens, then fails whether I “Skip” or progress through the intro, sometimes it returns me to “Favorites” tab, and sometimes it simply boots me out of App. In short, live view always fails. The events are being recorded and the live view works on the web. I have several other Wyze Cams (v2, v3, v4 and Outdoor) and they’re working as usual. I’ve cleared the Wyze App data and cache, rebooted the Android devices, logged out of the Wyze App, and rebooted the cameras, ie removed the battery. Is anyone else having a problem? Any suggestions? Thanks

Welcome to the Forum, @edennotch! :wave:

You may want to take a look at the announcement topic for the v3.2.5 app, as what you’re describing is one of the problems reported and discussed there. I think you’re doing the proper troubleshooting, and we’re doing what we can to make Wyze aware of the issue, anticipating a hotfix release or other app update soon. My only other suggestion would be to create a log when the issue happens and follow that up with a Support ticket so that there’s another blip on Wyze’s radar about this.


Welcome @edennotch

I have seen that as well. Can you please provide a device log of this issue?

Go to the App and then Account > Wyze Support > Submit log

Select one of the cameras and then post the log here. I will pass it on.


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Battery Cam on my iphone had developed a persistent failure to connect to my network and displays error code17. Two other cams do not have this issue.
I have restarted my modem, reinstalled the Wyze app and the cam to no avail.
Any other suggestions please?

Thanks for your response, but I don’t see how to “post the log here.” I followed your instructions to the point where I could select the cam, post a note and then submit, but I don’t see how I can retrieve the log to provide to you. I did submit the log to support, but I don’t have an open ticket and the note accompanying my log was pretty terse so I don’t know if they will know what it’s about.

Just post the Log Number you got when you submitted it. Wyze will use that number to review it

Log # 1657777

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Log #: 1657859

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Log ID #1657977

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Log Id #1660256

Battery Cam Pro’s live view is still not working on my Android phone and tablet. The 3.2.6 update DID NOT fix the problem.

having same issue with 4 batt pro cams. 2 are about 1 month old and 2 are brand new. log submitted: 1658898

Always fails when opening from devices tab.

I am able to open the live view by adding the cameras to a group, then opening the live view from the group.

I can confirm that the BCP still has live streaming issues. I reported it to Wyze. They are still working on updates to correct this issue.


I posted elsewhere that there’s a workaround for this bug. Either put the BCP in a group, or put in in “Favorites”.

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Favorite option did not work for me. But grouping the cameras did.

However, my Favorite screen is setup to not auto-stream cameras


Same here. If it’s in a group it works either in Favorites or Devices. Not in group, it fails.

Like you I do not autoplay in Favorites. I have played with the setting in Account > App Settings > Camera Card Style > Comfortable actually fixes it-it works. When I set it to Condensed it fails as we have both seen. I’ve toggled it a few times and it appears repeatable.

I’m going to leave it on Condensed and just use my group–at least until the next update.

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Yep. comfortable seems to work. It may be because it starts the stream on the Favorites page. then when you launch it, the stream continues to work.

Maybe. The thing I keep seeing, and it is barely repeatable, is I will get the pre-screen showing how to use the new UI. I have “next” through it and also tried “skip”. Both fail. It typically bounces me back to the Favorites page or I get an Android 14 app failed message. After this if I reclick on the camera it just blinks and takes me back to the Favorites page. When I say it is barely repeatable is I have not narrowed it down to what causes the “Welcome to the new UI” screen. I’m suspecting it may be related to all of the cache cleaning, restarting etc. I think there is a programming hole in the routine that persists the “you have already seen” this screen.

My 2cents worth.

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I have been sending Wyze info and providing documentation on this. I am confident that it will be corrected soon. But the more info we can provide the better it is.

thanks for the additional information

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I just took it 4:00pm PST

Log # 1662102

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